Some stars could swallow black holes – here’s how we can find them

Black holes are famous for gobbling up anything that gets too close – but could they ever be swallowed whole? A new study suggests that it’s possible that stars could capture very small black holes and keep them in their cores. There might even be a wa… Continue reading Some stars could swallow black holes – here’s how we can find them

Some stars could swallow black holes – here’s how we can find them

Black holes are famous for gobbling up anything that gets too close – but could they ever be swallowed whole? A new study suggests that it’s possible that stars could capture very small black holes and keep them in their cores. There might even be a wa… Continue reading Some stars could swallow black holes – here’s how we can find them

How a “supervoid” and modified gravity could solve a cosmic conundrum

One of the biggest cosmological mysteries centers on a discrepancy in how fast the universe is expanding. A new study comes to an intriguing solution by applying a modified theory of gravity and an unsettling “supervoid” that our galaxy resides in.Cont… Continue reading How a “supervoid” and modified gravity could solve a cosmic conundrum

Euclid returns spectacular space snaps in run up to dark matter survey

ESA has released the first five images from its Euclid space telescope that reveal unprecedented high-resolution pictures that cover large areas of the sky in a single shot, demonstrating its capabilities for its upcoming dark matter survey.Continue Re… Continue reading Euclid returns spectacular space snaps in run up to dark matter survey

“Modified gravity” could rule out both dark matter and Planet Nine

Our solar system officially houses eight planets, but some scientists say there could be a ninth. And that’s not just Pluto aficionados – evidence suggests a huge undiscovered world lurks on the dark fringes out there. Now, a new study has found the ou… Continue reading “Modified gravity” could rule out both dark matter and Planet Nine

Webb may have spotted “dark stars” made of annihilating dark matter

The James Webb Space Telescope has already spotted some amazing things in its first year of science operations, but if a new study holds water it might be one of the most important finds of all time. A team of astrophysicists proposes that three bright… Continue reading Webb may have spotted “dark stars” made of annihilating dark matter

Detailed new map of all matter in the universe hints at something missing

Astronomers have put together one of the most comprehensive maps of all the matter in the universe. The huge undertaking hints at a slightly smoother universe than we thought, suggesting that something might be missing from our models.Continue ReadingC… Continue reading Detailed new map of all matter in the universe hints at something missing

Atomic clocks orbiting near the Sun could detect dark matter

While many Earth-based experiments have been run to try to detect dark matter, the mysterious substance remains elusive. Now physicists have proposed a new experiment that would try to find signals by sending atomic clocks to where dark matter should b… Continue reading Atomic clocks orbiting near the Sun could detect dark matter

Puzzling astronomical observations support alternative theory of gravity

Astrophysicists have observed some puzzling behavior in star clusters that seem to defy our current understanding of gravity at cosmic scales. Intriguingly, the observations fit with an alternative theory of gravity that could negate the need for dark … Continue reading Puzzling astronomical observations support alternative theory of gravity

Dark matter “meteors” could be streaking through Earth’s atmosphere

Despite making up 85% of the total mass in the universe, dark matter has remained elusive to direct detection. A new study proposes a unique way to look for it using the Earth’s atmosphere as a giant detector for dark matter particles streaming through… Continue reading Dark matter “meteors” could be streaking through Earth’s atmosphere