Why should I go to SHA512withRSA signature for my Android apps?

I have an Android 11 device and many of my apps and system apps use MD5withRSA or SHA1withRSA as signature algorithm by default.
Why should I take my apps SHA256withRSA or SHA512withRSA? Are there any advantages, if so what are they? Are t… Continue reading Why should I go to SHA512withRSA signature for my Android apps?

John The Ripper Error: No password hashes loaded when cracking a zip file in kali linux

I was practicing bruteforce attacks using John The Ripper. I want to crack a zip file. I obtained the hash and stored it in a zip file but when I attempt to crack the zip file it is giving me an error saying No password hashes loaded

This… Continue reading John The Ripper Error: No password hashes loaded when cracking a zip file in kali linux

What is the relation between "signature_algorithms" handshake extension and TLS ciphersuite

I am learning TLS handshake and find client/serve will negotiate a cihpersuite during client/server hello.
Usually, the last part of a ciphersuite is a hash algorithm, like SHA256 in ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-SHA256. The second part of a ciphersu… Continue reading What is the relation between "signature_algorithms" handshake extension and TLS ciphersuite

How to verify integrity of software when the download provider doesn’t publish hashes?

I noticed that certain software does not provide hash anymore nowadays.


wolf@linux:~$ ls -lh zoom_amd64.deb
-rw-rw-r– 1 wolf wolf 44M Jan 1 00:00 zoom_amd64.deb

I’ve googled both md5… Continue reading How to verify integrity of software when the download provider doesn’t publish hashes?