What is the relation between "signature_algorithms" handshake extension and TLS ciphersuite

I am learning TLS handshake and find client/serve will negotiate a cihpersuite during client/server hello.
Usually, the last part of a ciphersuite is a hash algorithm, like SHA256 in ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-SHA256. The second part of a ciphersu… Continue reading What is the relation between "signature_algorithms" handshake extension and TLS ciphersuite

How to implement ChaCha20Poly1305 with large files? (Streamed/Chunked AEADs)

I have a private file encryption project that I’m working on that currently uses Encrypt-then-MAC. However, I’ve been looking at age and the article that’s referenced in the spec that discusses encrypting streams with AEADs. It’s not possi… Continue reading How to implement ChaCha20Poly1305 with large files? (Streamed/Chunked AEADs)