During a phone call, my phone started calling another person. How is this possible?

I was on a phone call with my father and, while we were on the phone, my phone started calling another person. I never called anyone while we were on the phone and he never called anyone else while we’re on the phone, but somehow another i… Continue reading During a phone call, my phone started calling another person. How is this possible?

How to verify integrity of software when the download provider doesn’t publish hashes?

I noticed that certain software does not provide hash anymore nowadays.


wolf@linux:~$ ls -lh zoom_amd64.deb
-rw-rw-r– 1 wolf wolf 44M Jan 1 00:00 zoom_amd64.deb

I’ve googled both md5… Continue reading How to verify integrity of software when the download provider doesn’t publish hashes?