CrushFTP zero-day exploited by attackers, upgrade immediately! (CVE-2024-4040)

A vulnerability (CVE-2024-4040) in enterprise file transfer solution CrushFTP is being exploited by attackers in a targeted fashion, according to Crowdstrike. The vulnerability allows attackers to escape their virtual file system and download system fi… Continue reading CrushFTP zero-day exploited by attackers, upgrade immediately! (CVE-2024-4040)

VPN used while updating files to VPS via FTP (WinSCP) – what IP is logged? [duplicate]

When I went out for holiday I was working on my websites on local WI-Fi, I was connected all the time with Surfshark VPN.
I’m sure that my location is secured but what about the situation where I uploaded something via FTP? Do logs show my… Continue reading VPN used while updating files to VPS via FTP (WinSCP) – what IP is logged? [duplicate]