Are Connected Cows a Hacker’s Dream?

Humans aren’t the only ones consumed with connected devices these days. Cows have joined our ranks. Believe it or not, farmers are increasingly relying on IoT devices to keep their cattle connected. No, not so that they can moo-nitor (see what I… Continue reading Are Connected Cows a Hacker’s Dream?

Alice Evans: Brucellosis, or Why We Pasteurize Milk

It’s easy to forget how much illness and death was caused by our food and drink just one hundred years ago. Our modern food systems, backed by sound research and decent regulation, have elevated food safety to the point where outbreaks of illness are big news. If you get sick from a burger, or a nice tall glass of milk, it’s no longer a mystery what happened. Instead we ask why, and “who screwed up?”

In the early 20th century though, many food-borne illnesses were still a mystery, and microbiology was a scientific endeavor that was just getting started. Alice …read more

Continue reading Alice Evans: Brucellosis, or Why We Pasteurize Milk