This Week in Security: Zimbra, Lockbit 2, And Hacking NK

Unknown attackers have been exploiting a 0-day attack against the Zimbra e-mail suite. Researchers at Volexity first discovered the attack back in December of last year, detected by their monitoring …read more Continue reading This Week in Security: Zimbra, Lockbit 2, And Hacking NK

3 keys to pricing early-stage SaaS products

The pricing journey is long and, despite what some founders might think, jumping head-first into customer acquisition isn’t the first stop. Step one is making sure you have a fully fledged product. Continue reading 3 keys to pricing early-stage SaaS products

Companies betting on data must value people as much as AI

The truth is, we are still early when it comes to data transformation. The success of tech giants that put data at the core of their business models set off a spark that is only starting to take off. Continue reading Companies betting on data must value people as much as AI

VCs are betting big on Kubernetes: Here are 5 reasons why

At times, Kubernetes can feel like a superpower, but with all of the benefits of scalability and agility comes immense complexity. The truth is, few developers understand how Kubernetes works. Continue reading VCs are betting big on Kubernetes: Here are 5 reasons why

Enterprise AI 2.0: the acceleration of B2B innovation has begun

Two decades after businesses started deploying AI solutions, one can argue they’ve made little progress in achieving significant gains in efficiency relative to the hype that drove expectations. Continue reading Enterprise AI 2.0: the acceleration of B2B innovation has begun

4 key areas SaaS startups must address to scale infrastructure for the enterprise

As companies grow, their security and reliability needs evolve. When working with large customers, having empathy for these needs will go a long way. Continue reading 4 key areas SaaS startups must address to scale infrastructure for the enterprise

Build a digital ops toolbox to streamline business processes with hyperautomation

Using a medley of technologies in a digital operations toolbox helps businesses achieve key performance indicators through hyperautomation. Continue reading Build a digital ops toolbox to streamline business processes with hyperautomation

Achieving digital transformation through RPA and process mining

For your transformation journey to be successful, you need to develop a deep understanding of your goals, people and the process. Continue reading Achieving digital transformation through RPA and process mining