Brain cell gene changes linked to neuroinflammation seen in Alzheimer’s

A study has linked genetic changes in the brain's immune cells to the neuroinflammation seen in Alzheimer's disease

New research has revealed how genetic changes in a specialized population of brain cells called microglia contribute to neuroinflammation and, in turn, to Alzheimer’s disease. The findings could lead to more effective, targeted therapeutics.

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Interrupting prolonged sitting with squats may improve brain function

A new study has found that interrupting prolonged sitting with a minute of half-squats every 20 minutes improved blood flow to the brain and, with it, cognitive functioning and concentration. This simple exercise could be done at work or home to provid… Continue reading Interrupting prolonged sitting with squats may improve brain function

Stem cell injections help slow progression of MS in clinical trial

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a debilitating disease with few treatment options. But in a new clinical trial, scientists have tested a promising new therapy involving injections of stem cells, which seems to slow progression of the disease.Continue Readin… Continue reading Stem cell injections help slow progression of MS in clinical trial

Structural brain changes detected in novel long COVID imaging study

New research to be presented at the Radiological Society of North America’s annual meeting is the first to reveal microstructural brain changes in long COVID patients compared to fully recovered patients and uninfected subjects. The findings indicate l… Continue reading Structural brain changes detected in novel long COVID imaging study

Food taste found to rein in eating within seconds, before gut stretch

New research has found that signals linked to how food tastes are sent from our mouths to our brains almost immediately to slow our eating pace, with the well-known stretch signals from the gut coming later. The findings provide insights into how diffe… Continue reading Food taste found to rein in eating within seconds, before gut stretch

Drugs identified that may reverse brain fog caused by COVID-19

Experimenting on lab-grown mini-brains and mice, researchers have found that SARS-CoV-19 infection can cause ‘zombie’ cells to accumulate, contributing to the brain fog associated with long COVID, and have identified drugs that can reverse this virus-r… Continue reading Drugs identified that may reverse brain fog caused by COVID-19

A new cause of brain hemorrhage has been identified

New findings open the door to treatments that ensure the movement of red blood cells through brain capillaries

In a significant development for brain health, scientists have demonstrated for the first time how hemorrhages can occur due to a faulty interaction between aged red blood cells and narrow capillaries. Until now, the cause of this serious condition has been brain bleeding that results from injured or damaged blood vessels.

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Researchers close in on revealing what causes red wine headaches

For as long as humans have been imbibing alcohol they have also been battling with the drug’s notorious side effects. Headaches and nausea often follow a few beverages due to the build up of a toxic by-product of alcohol – acetaldehyde.Continue Reading… Continue reading Researchers close in on revealing what causes red wine headaches

New studies may explain why shock therapy effectively treats depression

Two recent studies may have discovered how electroconvulsive therapy and its close cousin, magnetic seizure therapy, are so effective at alleviating some mental illnesses, especially severe depression – something that has puzzled psychiatrists and neur… Continue reading New studies may explain why shock therapy effectively treats depression