‘Feel good’ hormone released during exercise can boost brain performance

Researchers have discovered why cognitive performance improves after exercise: the ‘feel good’ hormone and neurotransmitter dopamine. They found that exercise released dopamine, which produced a corresponding reduction in reaction time, and say that ex… Continue reading ‘Feel good’ hormone released during exercise can boost brain performance

ID of five subtypes of Alzheimer’s has huge implications for treatment

This breakthrough study could be pivotal in the research into and treatment of Alzheimer's disease

An international team of neuroscientists has for the first time identified five distinct subtypes of Alzheimer’s disease, in what could be a breakthrough for treatment approaches and efficacy. They call for researchers and medical professionals to look at the disease not as a single diagnosis but five specific types of Alzheimer’s.

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Transparent neural implant provides window to deeper brain activity

Researchers have created a thin transparent neural implant that can monitor activity on the brain’s surface but also account for functions at a deeper level. The hope is that it will lead to an accurate but less invasive brain-computer interface.Contin… Continue reading Transparent neural implant provides window to deeper brain activity

Activating certain brain cells slows aging and boosts lifespan in mice

Slowing down the dreaded aging process is something that everybody’s interested in, and now scientists have uncovered a new pathway to doing so. The team identified a feedback loop in the brain, and found that ramping up its activity helped mice live l… Continue reading Activating certain brain cells slows aging and boosts lifespan in mice

For people with obesity, weight loss surgery may slow cognitive decline

A new study has found that people with obesity who underwent weight-loss – bariatric – surgery had stable cognition two years after, and their executive function improved. Although further research is needed, the researchers are counting their findings… Continue reading For people with obesity, weight loss surgery may slow cognitive decline

Brain stimulation can make you easier to hypnotize

A person’s susceptibility to hypnosis has long been considered a pretty static trait. You may be highly hypnotizable, or you may be part of the nearly 25% of people who can’t really be hypnotized at all. A 25-year-long study found hypnotic susceptibili… Continue reading Brain stimulation can make you easier to hypnotize

Drug beliefs produce a dose-dependent effect in the brain, study finds

Researchers have shown, for the first time, that a person’s beliefs about nicotine influences brain activity, producing a dose-dependent effect that was only thought to occur with pharmaceutical agents. In addition to providing an explanation for why i… Continue reading Drug beliefs produce a dose-dependent effect in the brain, study finds

Pets may slow age-related cognitive decline in those living alone

A study has found an association between pet ownership by older adults living alone and slower cognitive decline

A new study has found that, for older adults living alone, owning a pet was linked to slower rates of decline in some aspects of cognition and may completely offset the association between living alone, a recognized dementia risk, and cognitive decline.

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“Chemical chaperone” improves Alzheimer’s signs in early & late disease

Treatment with a supplementary 'chemical chaperone' has been shown to reduce protein plaques and improve cognitive performance in Alzheimer's disease

A new study has found that treatment with a ‘chemical chaperone’ assists in reducing the accumulation of protein plaques and restores cognitive functioning in mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease. The findings could lead to novel treatments to help treat this debilitating disease.

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Single-dose drug to quash anxiety passes another trial milestone

An effective single-dose, long-term treatment for anxiety could be within reach, with the phase 2b clinical trial of MM-120 reported to have passed the stage with flying colors. The makers, MindMed, now plan to hold an end-of-phase meeting with the US … Continue reading Single-dose drug to quash anxiety passes another trial milestone