Possible treatment for autism symptoms found in common anti-diarrhea drug

A compelling study has utilized a new kind of computer modeling to investigate how pre-existing drugs could be repurposed to treat autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Among the findings was a curious discovery indicating a common anti-diarrhea drug could h… Continue reading Possible treatment for autism symptoms found in common anti-diarrhea drug

Older COVID-19 survivors face increased Alzheimer’s risk, study finds

It is still unclear whether COVID-19 is hastening the progression of pre-existing neurodegeneration or prompting new disease

A new study tracking the health of more than six million older Americans over 2020 and 2021 has found COVID-19 nearly doubles a person’s risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease in the year following infection. The findings add to a growing body of research indicating SARS-CoV-2 infections can affect progression of several neurodegenerative diseases.

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Hormone secreted when exercising halts Parkinson’s decline in mice

An animal study found irisin, a hormone secreted by muscles during exercise, improved neurological symptoms of Parkinson's disease

A hormone believed to be released by muscles during exercise has been found to reduce levels of a toxic protein associated with Parkinson’s disease. The promising animal studies indicate future therapies could be developed based on the way this hormone improves brain health.

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Landmark study finds causal link between nature walks and stress reduction

We all know a good, long walk in nature can be relaxing, but a landmark new study from researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development offers some of the first causal evidence to show exactly how a one-hour walk in the forest reduces acti… Continue reading Landmark study finds causal link between nature walks and stress reduction

Discovery reveals new gut-brain pathway driving fatty food cravings

An incredible study published in Nature has reported the discovery of a novel gut-brain pathway that drives our appetite for fatty foods. The research found cells in our gut sense the presence of fat in food and can directly talk to parts of our brain … Continue reading Discovery reveals new gut-brain pathway driving fatty food cravings

Rat study shows concussions can cause robust thickening of the skull

Repeated knocks to the head are known to carry increased risks to our neurological health, but a new study has sought to fill in important details around what they might mean for the skull. Experiments carried out on rats showed that blows to the head … Continue reading Rat study shows concussions can cause robust thickening of the skull

Researchers discover new way fat cells talk directly with the brain

An incredible new study led by a team from the Scripps Research Institute has discovered a novel communication pathway between fat cells and the brain. The findings reveal that the brain doesn’t regulate fat burning by just slowly responding to hormona… Continue reading Researchers discover new way fat cells talk directly with the brain

World-first study tests brain implants in humans to stop binge eating

In a first-of-its-kind pilot study, scientists have surgically implanted a device into the brains of two obese subjects suffering from binge-eating disorder. The device was designed to detect and disrupt brain signals associated with binge-eating food … Continue reading World-first study tests brain implants in humans to stop binge eating

Oxford study finds increased dementia risk 2 years after COVID infection

New research is some of the first to look at the long-term effects of a COVID infection up to two years after the acute illness

New research published in The Lancet Psychiatry has offered the most comprehensive look at the long-term neurological effects of COVID-19 published to date, tracking more than one million people for up to two years. The findings revealed an increased risk of mood disorders such as depression and anxiety, following SARS-CoV-2 infection, returns to normal after a few months but increased rates of dementia are still being detected in older adults up to 24 months after the acute disease.

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Study of Alzheimer’s risk gene reveals potentially reversible mechanism

A new study has found that lipid metabolism may be a mechanism for Alzheimer's, and could be reversible

MIT scientists have uncovered a mechanism for how a common genetic risk factor for Alzheimer’s contributes to the disease. It centers on lipid metabolism, and early investigations suggest it could eventually lead to new treatments to slow disease progression.

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