Experimental laser therapy offers boost to short-term memory

Scientists investigating the potential of a non-invasive laser therapy to improve cognitive function have produced some promising early results. There are important questions still to answer, but the team demonstrated an ability to boost short-term mem… Continue reading Experimental laser therapy offers boost to short-term memory

Harvard study links severe COVID with genetic signs of brain aging

The study found severe COVID was linked with many of the same gene expression changes in brain tissue seen in old age

A study looking at post-mortem brain tissue samples has found severe COVID-19 is associated with molecular signs of brain aging. The study identified gene expression changes in the brains of deceased COVID patients that resemble what is seen in old age, and the researchers warn potential long-term neurological problems could emerge in the years following the pandemic.

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Yale study uncovers new potential root cause of Alzheimer’s disease

A microscope image of amyloid plaques (blue) surrounded by swelling in axons (purple)

Scientists at Yale University have uncovered an overlooked mechanism that may be behind the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. The team points the finger at small swellings on axons near plaques that build up in the brain, and identified a protein that could be a biomarker for early detection of the disease as well as a target for future treatments.

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10-minute bursts of exercise may boost therapy for PTSD

Studies continue to illuminate the wide-ranging benefits of physical activity when it comes to brain health, and new research has shown how that might include treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Scientists have explored how short bursts… Continue reading 10-minute bursts of exercise may boost therapy for PTSD

Induced “hibernation” state protects organs during heart surgery in mice

Japanese researchers have demonstrated that inducing a kind of hibernation state could be a new way to protect organs from damage when blood circulation is stopped during surgery. The technique slows down the metabolism and has been found to work well … Continue reading Induced “hibernation” state protects organs during heart surgery in mice

The amyloid rollercoaster continues as another big Alzheimer’s trial fails

Are researchers wrong to keep working on anti-amyloid treatments for Alzheimer's after years of clinical trial failures?

A new announcement from pharmaceutical company Roche has revealed the failure of a massive global Phase 3 trial testing its latest anti-amyloid Alzheimer’s disease treatment. The failure marks another twist in the ongoing rollercoaster of research looking for drugs to reduce build-up of the protein commonly believed to be the primary pathological cause of Alzheimer’s neurodegeneration.

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Stem cells (and mini brains) grown from critically endangered rhinos

The Sumatran rhino is critically endangered and difficult to breed. But now, researchers have created induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from the genetic material of a male, potentially providing new ways to help conservation efforts. They even use… Continue reading Stem cells (and mini brains) grown from critically endangered rhinos

Infusion of blood protein proposed as new treatment for stroke

Researchers at the University of Oslo are proposing a novel treatment for stroke that involves administering an infusion of a blood protein suspected to protect the brain from damage. Early tests in mice indicate if the treatment is given within hours … Continue reading Infusion of blood protein proposed as new treatment for stroke

Brain stimulator implant powers itself through breathing

Artist's impression of a new breathing-powered brain implant

Implants that regulate electrical activity in the brain have been used to treat Parkinson’s symptoms for decades, and lately we’re seeing how they might do so much more. A new design could greatly improve the experience of living with these devices, by using integrated triboelectric generators to convert a user’s breathing movements into electricity.

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Sleep apnea may be a causal factor for Alzheimer’s, study concludes

A new study has added to a large body of observational evidence linking sleep apnea to Alzheimer's by demonstrating in mice how disordered sleep breathing affects the brain

New research in Nature Communications has strengthened the link between sleep apnea and dementia, by using novel preclinical models to demonstrate exactly how breathing disruptions during sleep can cause brain changes associated with Alzheimer’s disease.

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