Building Ubuntu Packages

Bruce Allen with the Navy Postgraduate School released hashdb 3.0 adding some great improvements for block hashing. My block hunting is mainly done on virtualized Ubuntu so I decided it was time to build a hashdb package. Figured I would document the steps as they could be used for the SANS SIFT, REMnux and many other great Ubuntu distributions too. 

1) Ubuntu 64-bit Server 16.04.1 hashdb Package Requirements

sudo apt-get install git autoconf build-essential libtool swig devscripts dh-make python-dev zlib1g-dev libssl-dev libewf-dev libbz2-dev libtool-bin

2) Download hashdb from GitHub

3) Verify hashdb Version

cat hashdb/ | more

4) Rename hashdb Folder with Version Number

mv hashdb hashdb-3.0.0

5) Enter hashdb Folder

cd hashdb-3.0.0

6) Bootstrap GitHub Download


7) Configure hashdb Package


8) Make hashdb Package with a Valid Email Address for the Maintainer

dh_make -s -e –packagename hashdb –createorig

9) Build hashdb Package

debuild -us -uc


10) Install hashdb

dpkg -i hashdb_3.0.0-1_amd64.deb

Alternatively, if you just wanted to try the new version of hashdb, I have setup a limited hosted package repository at for Ubuntu 64-bit Server 16.04.1.

1) Add hashdb Repository

2)  Install hashdb

sudo apt-get install hashdb

John Lukach

Continue reading Building Ubuntu Packages

Building Ubuntu Packages

Bruce Allen with the Navy Postgraduate School released hashdb 3.0 adding some great improvements for block hashing. My block hunting is mainly done on virtualized Ubuntu so I decided it was time to build a hashdb package. Figured I would document the steps as they could be used for the SANS SIFT, REMnux and many other great Ubuntu distributions too. 

1) Ubuntu 64-bit Server 16.04.1 hashdb Package Requirements

sudo apt-get install git autoconf build-essential libtool swig devscripts dh-make python-dev zlib1g-dev libssl-dev libewf-dev libbz2-dev libtool-bin

2) Download hashdb from GitHub

3) Verify hashdb Version

cat hashdb/ | more

4) Rename hashdb Folder with Version Number

mv hashdb hashdb-3.0.0

5) Enter hashdb Folder

cd hashdb-3.0.0

6) Bootstrap GitHub Download


7) Configure hashdb Package


8) Make hashdb Package with a Valid Email Address for the Maintainer

dh_make -s -e –packagename hashdb –createorig

9) Build hashdb Package

debuild -us -uc


10) Install hashdb

dpkg -i hashdb_3.0.0-1_amd64.deb

Alternatively, if you just wanted to try the new version of hashdb, I have setup a limited hosted package repository at for Ubuntu 64-bit Server 16.04.1.

1) Add hashdb Repository

2)  Install hashdb

sudo apt-get install hashdb

John Lukach

Continue reading Building Ubuntu Packages


Filenames are trivial to being changed.  It is still important to know what ones are common during your investigation.  You can’t remember every filename as there are already twenty-four million plus in the NSRL data set alone.  MatchMeta.Info is my way of automating these comparisons into the analysis process.  Not all investigators have Internet access on their lab machines so I wanted to share the steps to build your own internal site.    

Server Specifications

Twisted Python Installation

I prefer using Ubuntu but feel free to use whatever operating system that your most comfortable using.  The installation process has become very simple!!


apt-get install python-dev python-pip
pip install service_identity twisted
Twisted Python Validation

NSRL Filenames

I download the NSRL data set direct from NIST than parse out the filenames with a Python script that I have hosted on the GitHub project site.

Or feel free to download the already precompiled list of filenames that I have posted here. 


MatchMeta.Info Setup

First create a folder that will contain the file from the GitHub site and the uncompressed nsrl251.txt file in the previous section.  One example is a www folder can be created in the opt directory for these files.  



Second make the two files read only to limit permissions.

chmod 400 nsrl251.txt

Third make the two files owned by the webserver user and group.

chown www-data:www-data nsrl251.txt

Fourth make only the www folder capable of executing the Twisted Python script.

chmod 500 www

Sixth make the www folder owned by the webserver user and group.

chown www-data:www-data www

MatchMeta.Info Service

Upstart on Ubuntu will allow the Twisted Python script to be run as a service by creating the /etc/init/mmi.conf file.  Paste these commands into the newly created file.  Its critical to make sure you use exact absoulute paths in the and mmi.conf files or the service will not start.

start on runlevel [2345]

stop on runlevel [016]

setuid www-data

setgid www-data

exec /usr/bin/python /opt/www/


MatchMeta.Info Port Forwarding

Port 80 is privileged and we don’t want to run the service as root so port forwarding can be used.  This will allow us to run the Python service as the www-data user by appending the following to the bottom of the /etc/ufw/before.rules file.




-A PREROUTING -p tcp –dport 80 -j REDIRECT –to-port 8080


Thanks to @awhitehatter  for the tip on their GitHub site.

Configure Firewall

Please setup the firewall rules to meet your environments requirements.  Ports 80 and 8080 are currently setup to be used for the MatchMeta.Info service.  Don’t forget SSH for system access.

ufw allow 80/tcp

ufw allow 8080/tcp

ufw allow ssh

ufw enable

MatchMeta.Info Validation

Finally, all set to start the MatchMeta.Info Service!!

start mmi

Browsing to these sites should return the word OK on the website.

Browsing to these sites should return the phrase NA on the website.       

I plan to keep moving MatchMeta.Info features from the command line version into the web interface in the future.  A morph for James Habben’s evolve project a web interface for Volatility has already been submitted to incorporate the analysis process.
John Lukach


Continue reading MatchMeta.Info


Filenames are trivial to being changed.  It is still important to know what ones are common during your investigation.  You can’t remember every filename as there are already twenty-four million plus in the NSRL data set alone.  MatchMeta.Info is my way of automating these comparisons into the analysis process.  Not all investigators have Internet access on their lab machines so I wanted to share the steps to build your own internal site.    

Server Specifications

Twisted Python Installation

I prefer using Ubuntu but feel free to use whatever operating system that your most comfortable using.  The installation process has become very simple!!


apt-get install python-dev python-pip
pip install service_identity twisted
Twisted Python Validation

NSRL Filenames

I download the NSRL data set direct from NIST than parse out the filenames with a Python script that I have hosted on the GitHub project site.

Or feel free to download the already precompiled list of filenames that I have posted here. 


MatchMeta.Info Setup

First create a folder that will contain the file from the GitHub site and the uncompressed nsrl251.txt file in the previous section.  One example is a www folder can be created in the opt directory for these files.  



Second make the two files read only to limit permissions.

chmod 400 nsrl251.txt

Third make the two files owned by the webserver user and group.

chown www-data:www-data nsrl251.txt

Fourth make only the www folder capable of executing the Twisted Python script.

chmod 500 www

Sixth make the www folder owned by the webserver user and group.

chown www-data:www-data www

MatchMeta.Info Service

Upstart on Ubuntu will allow the Twisted Python script to be run as a service by creating the /etc/init/mmi.conf file.  Paste these commands into the newly created file.  Its critical to make sure you use exact absoulute paths in the and mmi.conf files or the service will not start.

start on runlevel [2345]

stop on runlevel [016]

setuid www-data

setgid www-data

exec /usr/bin/python /opt/www/


MatchMeta.Info Port Forwarding

Port 80 is privileged and we don’t want to run the service as root so port forwarding can be used.  This will allow us to run the Python service as the www-data user by appending the following to the bottom of the /etc/ufw/before.rules file.




-A PREROUTING -p tcp –dport 80 -j REDIRECT –to-port 8080


Thanks to @awhitehatter  for the tip on their GitHub site.

Configure Firewall

Please setup the firewall rules to meet your environments requirements.  Ports 80 and 8080 are currently setup to be used for the MatchMeta.Info service.  Don’t forget SSH for system access.

ufw allow 80/tcp

ufw allow 8080/tcp

ufw allow ssh

ufw enable

MatchMeta.Info Validation

Finally, all set to start the MatchMeta.Info Service!!

start mmi

Browsing to these sites should return the word OK on the website.

Browsing to these sites should return the phrase NA on the website.       

I plan to keep moving MatchMeta.Info features from the command line version into the web interface in the future.  A morph for James Habben’s evolve project a web interface for Volatility has already been submitted to incorporate the analysis process.
John Lukach


Continue reading MatchMeta.Info

Block Building Checklist

It is important to understand how artifacts are created that you use during an investigation. Thus I wanted to provide my block building checklist to help others recreate the process. I will walk through the commands used to prepare the blocks for distribution and how to build the block libraries with the removal of a whitelist.

Block Preparation

I have used Windows, Linux and Mac OS X over the course of this project. I recommend using the operating system that your most comfortable with for downloading and unpacking the torrents. The best performance will come from using solid state drives during the block building steps. The more available memory during whitelisting the better. A lot less system resources are necessary when just doing hash searches and comparisons during block hunting.

We saw this command previously in the Block Huntingpost with a new option. The -x option disables parsers so that bulk_extractor only generates the block sector hashes reducing the necessary generation time.

bulk_extractor -x accts -x aes -x base64 -x elf -x email -x exif -x find -x gps -x gzip -x hiberfile -x httplogs -x json -x kml -x msxml -x net -x pdf -x rar -x sqlite -x vcard -x windirs -x winlnk -x winpe -x winprefetch -x zip -e hashdb -o VxShare199_Out -S hashdb_mode=import -S hashdb_import_repository_name=VxShare199 -S hashdb_block_size=512 -S hashdb_import_sector_size=512 -R VirusShare_00199

The following steps help with the reduction of disk storage requirements and reporting cleanliness for the sector block hash database.  It is also a similar process for migrating from hashdb version one to two.  One improvement that I need to make is to use JSON instead of DFXML that was released at OSDFCon2015 by Bruce Allen.  

We need to export the sector block hashes out of the database so that the suggested modifications can be made to the flat file output.   

hashdb export VxShare199_Out/hashdb.hdb VxShare199.out

·      hashdb – executed application

·      export – export sector block hashes as a dfxml file

·      VxShare185_Out/ – relative folder path to the hashdb

·      hashdb.hdb – default hashdb name created by bulk_extractor

·      VxShare199.out – flat file output in dfxml format

Copy the first two lines of the VxShare199.out file into a new VxShare199.tmp flat file.

head -n 2 VxShare199.out > VxShare199.tmp

Start copying the contents of VxShare199.out file at line twenty-two that are appended to the existing VxShare199.tmp file. The below image indicates what lines will be removed by this command. The line count may vary depending on the operating system or the version of bulk_extractor and hashdb installed.

tail -n +22 VxShare199.out >> VxShare199.tmp

The sed command will read the VxShare199.tmp file than remove the path and beginning of the file name prior to writing into the new VxShare199.dfxml file. The highlighted text in the image below indicates what will be removed. 

sed ‘s/VirusShare_00199\/VirusShare\_//g’ VxShare199.tmp > VxShare199.dfxml

Create an empty hashdb with the sector size of 512 using the -p option. The default size is 4096 if no option is provided.

hashdb create -p 512 VxShare199

Import the processed VxShare199.dfxml file into the newly created VxShare199 hashdb database.

hashdb import VxShare199 VxShare199.dfxml

I compress and upload the hashdb database for distribution saving these steps for everyone.

Building Block Libraries

The links to these previously generated hashdb databases can be found at the following link.

Create an empty hashdb called FileBlock.VxShare for the collection.

hashdb create -p 512 FileBlock.VxShare

Add the VxShare199 database to the FileBlock.VxShare database.  This step will need to be repeated for each database. Upkeep is easier when you keep the completely built FileBlock.VxShare database for ongoing additions of new sector hashes.

hashdb add VxShare199 FileBlock.VxShare

Download the sector hashes of the NSRL from the following link. 

Create an empty hashdb called FileBlock.NSRL for the NSRL collection.

hashdb create -p 512 FileBlock.NSRL                 

The NSRL block hashes are stored in a tab delimited flat file format.  The import_tab option is used to import each file that are split by the first character of the hash value, 0-9 and A-F.  I also keep a copy of the built FileBlock.NSRL for future updates too.

hashdb import_tab FileBlock.NSRL

Remove NSRL Blocks

Create an empty hashdb called FileBlock.Info for the removal of the whitelist.

hashdb create -p 512 FileBlock.Info

This command will remove the NSRL sector hashes from the collection creating the final FileBlock.Info database for block hunting.

hashdb subtract FileBlock.VxShare FileBlock.NSRL FileBlock.Info

The initial build is machine time intensive but once done the maintenance is a walk in the park.

Happy Block Hunting!!

John Lukach


Continue reading Block Building Checklist

Block Building Checklist

It is important to understand how artifacts are created that you use during an investigation. Thus I wanted to provide my block building checklist to help others recreate the process. I will walk through the commands used to prepare the blocks for distribution and how to build the block libraries with the removal of a whitelist.

Block Preparation

I have used Windows, Linux and Mac OS X over the course of this project. I recommend using the operating system that your most comfortable with for downloading and unpacking the torrents. The best performance will come from using solid state drives during the block building steps. The more available memory during whitelisting the better. A lot less system resources are necessary when just doing hash searches and comparisons during block hunting.

We saw this command previously in the Block Huntingpost with a new option. The -x option disables parsers so that bulk_extractor only generates the block sector hashes reducing the necessary generation time.

bulk_extractor -x accts -x aes -x base64 -x elf -x email -x exif -x find -x gps -x gzip -x hiberfile -x httplogs -x json -x kml -x msxml -x net -x pdf -x rar -x sqlite -x vcard -x windirs -x winlnk -x winpe -x winprefetch -x zip -e hashdb -o VxShare199_Out -S hashdb_mode=import -S hashdb_import_repository_name=VxShare199 -S hashdb_block_size=512 -S hashdb_import_sector_size=512 -R VirusShare_00199

The following steps help with the reduction of disk storage requirements and reporting cleanliness for the sector block hash database.  It is also a similar process for migrating from hashdb version one to two.  One improvement that I need to make is to use JSON instead of DFXML that was released at OSDFCon2015 by Bruce Allen.  

We need to export the sector block hashes out of the database so that the suggested modifications can be made to the flat file output.   

hashdb export VxShare199_Out/hashdb.hdb VxShare199.out

·      hashdb – executed application

·      export – export sector block hashes as a dfxml file

·      VxShare185_Out/ – relative folder path to the hashdb

·      hashdb.hdb – default hashdb name created by bulk_extractor

·      VxShare199.out – flat file output in dfxml format

Copy the first two lines of the VxShare199.out file into a new VxShare199.tmp flat file.

head -n 2 VxShare199.out > VxShare199.tmp

Start copying the contents of VxShare199.out file at line twenty-two that are appended to the existing VxShare199.tmp file. The below image indicates what lines will be removed by this command. The line count may vary depending on the operating system or the version of bulk_extractor and hashdb installed.

tail -n +22 VxShare199.out >> VxShare199.tmp

The sed command will read the VxShare199.tmp file than remove the path and beginning of the file name prior to writing into the new VxShare199.dfxml file. The highlighted text in the image below indicates what will be removed. 

sed ‘s/VirusShare_00199\/VirusShare\_//g’ VxShare199.tmp > VxShare199.dfxml

Create an empty hashdb with the sector size of 512 using the -p option. The default size is 4096 if no option is provided.

hashdb create -p 512 VxShare199

Import the processed VxShare199.dfxml file into the newly created VxShare199 hashdb database.

hashdb import VxShare199 VxShare199.dfxml

I compress and upload the hashdb database for distribution saving these steps for everyone.

Building Block Libraries

The links to these previously generated hashdb databases can be found at the following link.

Create an empty hashdb called FileBlock.VxShare for the collection.

hashdb create -p 512 FileBlock.VxShare

Add the VxShare199 database to the FileBlock.VxShare database.  This step will need to be repeated for each database. Upkeep is easier when you keep the completely built FileBlock.VxShare database for ongoing additions of new sector hashes.

hashdb add VxShare199 FileBlock.VxShare

Download the sector hashes of the NSRL from the following link. 

Create an empty hashdb called FileBlock.NSRL for the NSRL collection.

hashdb create -p 512 FileBlock.NSRL                 

The NSRL block hashes are stored in a tab delimited flat file format.  The import_tab option is used to import each file that are split by the first character of the hash value, 0-9 and A-F.  I also keep a copy of the built FileBlock.NSRL for future updates too.

hashdb import_tab FileBlock.NSRL

Remove NSRL Blocks

Create an empty hashdb called FileBlock.Info for the removal of the whitelist.

hashdb create -p 512 FileBlock.Info

This command will remove the NSRL sector hashes from the collection creating the final FileBlock.Info database for block hunting.

hashdb subtract FileBlock.VxShare FileBlock.NSRL FileBlock.Info

The initial build is machine time intensive but once done the maintenance is a walk in the park.

Happy Block Hunting!!

John Lukach


Continue reading Block Building Checklist