Age-related vision loss prevented by exercise in experimental study

We know exercise is a good thing. It improves everything from cardiovascular disease to one’s cognitive health. Observational studies have also seen physical activity lessen age-related vision loss, but until now it hasn’t been clear how causal that re… Continue reading Age-related vision loss prevented by exercise in experimental study

Age-related vision loss prevented by exercise in experimental study

We know exercise is a good thing. It improves everything from cardiovascular disease to one’s cognitive health. Observational studies have also seen physical activity lessen age-related vision loss, but until now it hasn’t been clear how causal that re… Continue reading Age-related vision loss prevented by exercise in experimental study

Quadcopter With Stereo Vision

Flying a quadcopter or other drone can be pretty exciting, especially when using the video signal to do the flying. It’s almost like a real-life video game or flight simulator in a way, except the aircraft is physically real. To bring this experience even closer to the reality of flying, …read more

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Eye drops used to treat common cause of vision loss in mouse study

There are many factors that can impact our eyesight, but one common source of vision loss centers on a blockage in the major vein in the eyeball, which prevents it from draining properly and damages the retina. This is known as retinal vein occlusion, … Continue reading Eye drops used to treat common cause of vision loss in mouse study

Deep red light reboots aging retinas like “recharging a battery”

As our bodies age we can expect different components to deteriorate in performance, however, not all do so at the same pace. The retinas are one example of a part that ages sooner than most, but a new study has demonstrated how a form of deep red light… Continue reading Deep red light reboots aging retinas like “recharging a battery”

Modified smartphone detects early signs of diabetes-induced blindness

One of the disastrous effects of diabetes is the harm it can cause to the retina, with this degeneration of blood vessels in the eye now the leading cause of new blindness in working-age adults. An international team of scientists has developed technol… Continue reading Modified smartphone detects early signs of diabetes-induced blindness

Eye-tracking, depth-sensing "autofocal" glasses keep everything looking sharp

No matter how good your eyesight, there’s a decent chance that it’ll start to fade at a certain point in your life. Presbyopia is a common form of age-induced far-sightedness, where the lenses in the eyes become stiff and have trouble focusin… Continue reading Eye-tracking, depth-sensing "autofocal" glasses keep everything looking sharp

Braille on a Tablet Computer

Signing up for college classes can be intimidating, from tuition, textbook requirements, to finding an engaging professor. Imagine signing up online, but you cannot use your monitor. We wager that roughly ninety-nine percent of the hackers reading this article have it displayed on a tablet, phone, or computer monitor. Conversely, “Only one percent of published books is available in Braille,” according to [Kristina Tsvetanova] who has created a hybrid tablet computer with a Braille display next to a touch-screen tablet running Android. The tablet accepts voice commands for launching apps, a feature baked right into Android. The idea came to …read more

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Real or Fake? Robot Uses AI to Find Waldo

The last few weeks have seen a number of tech sites reporting on a robot which can find and point out Waldo in those “Where’s Waldo” books. Designed and built by Redpepper, and add agency. The robot arm is a UARM Metal, with a Raspberry Pi controlling the show.

A Logitech c525 webcam captures images, which are processed by the Pi with OpenCV, then sent to Google’s cloud-based AutoML Vision service. AutoML is trained with numerous images of Waldo, which are used to attempt a pattern match.  If a pattern is found, the coordinates are fed to PYUARM, and the …read more

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Robot Maps Rooms with Help From iPhone

The Unity engine has been around since Apple started using Intel chips, and has made quite a splash in the gaming world. Unity allows developers to create 2D and 3D games, but there are some other interesting applications of this gaming engine as well. For example, [matthewhallberg] used it to build a robot that can map rooms in 3D.

The impetus for this project was a robotics company that used a series of robots around their business. The robots navigate using computer vision, but couldn’t map the rooms from scratch. They hired [matthewhallberg] to tackle this problem, and this robot …read more

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