Chemical “breaking points” let new type of plastic biodegrade in days

Plastics are made to last, which is great while they’re being used but not so great after they’re discarded. Now chemists at the University of Konstanz have developed a new kind of plastic that has all the durability of regular plastic, but biodegrades… Continue reading Chemical “breaking points” let new type of plastic biodegrade in days

Cancer vaccine and immunotherapy team up against tumors

Cancer treatments have long been limited to things like chemotherapy and radiation therapy, but in recent years more effective methods are emerging. Now, scientists at the University of Konstanz have found that combining two experimental methods – a va… Continue reading Cancer vaccine and immunotherapy team up against tumors

“Living fossil” genome sequence reveals clues to evolution of life on land

Genome sequencing can teach us a huge amount about a species, and now scientists have completed the sequence for one of the weirdest and most intriguing animals in the world. The Australian lungfish is a “living fossil” from the time our ancestors firs… Continue reading “Living fossil” genome sequence reveals clues to evolution of life on land

How 10-minute massages can boost the body’s stress-fighting system

The idea alone of a massage might do wonders for some people’s stress levels, but a new study has delved into the physiological details of how these short and sweet treatments can kick the body’s relaxation systems into gear. The researchers behind it … Continue reading How 10-minute massages can boost the body’s stress-fighting system