Light therapy could slow heart aging and fend off deadly disease

Light therapy has shown promise in everything from helping burn wounds heal faster to killing tumors and helping guide antibodies to their cancerous targets. Now, the next in its beam looks to be the heart.Continue ReadingCategory: Medical, ScienceTags… Continue reading Light therapy could slow heart aging and fend off deadly disease

EarCommand tech lets users silently mouth commands to devices

While it’s handy to be able to control our devices via voice commands, speaking those commands out loud can be problematic. The EarCommand system offers an alternative, as it “reads” users’ silently mouthed words by monitoring their ear canal.Continue … Continue reading EarCommand tech lets users silently mouth commands to devices

EarHealth earbuds accurately diagnose a range of ear conditions

A team led by researchers at the University at Buffalo has used Bluetooth earbuds and a deep learning AI system to diagnose three common ear conditions with a simple, non-invasive audio test that uses a sonar-like audio chirp to map out the ear structu… Continue reading EarHealth earbuds accurately diagnose a range of ear conditions

Copper nanowire spray makes existing surfaces antimicrobial

Copper has long been known for its ability to kill viruses and bacteria on contact, which is why it’s often professionally coated onto commonly touched items such as doorknobs. A new copper nanowire spray may allow everyday folks to give existing surfa… Continue reading Copper nanowire spray makes existing surfaces antimicrobial

Copper nanowire spray makes existing surfaces antimicrobial

Copper has long been known for its ability to kill viruses and bacteria on contact, which is why it’s often professionally coated onto commonly touched items such as doorknobs. A new copper nanowire spray may allow everyday folks to give existing surfa… Continue reading Copper nanowire spray makes existing surfaces antimicrobial

Surprising study finds screen use before bed can actually help you sleep

A pair of recent studies have upended the common belief that watching screens before going to sleep disturbs the quality or duration of your slumber. The research indicates some people may actually get more rest by watching something before going to sl… Continue reading Surprising study finds screen use before bed can actually help you sleep

What is delta-8 THC and is it a safe cannabis alternative?

Over the last couple of years, a novel cannabinoid has quietly grown in popularity. Delta-8 THC is similar to its more commonly known psychoactive cousin, delta-9 THC, but a legal loophole has led to its broad use across the United States despite safet… Continue reading What is delta-8 THC and is it a safe cannabis alternative?

Galapagos tortoise genome reveals secrets to long, cancer-free lives

Galapagos giant tortoises are some of the longest-living animals on Earth, but how do they pull off the feat? A new study has examined the genome of the species and found that they pack plenty of duplicate genes, which may protect them from aging-relat… Continue reading Galapagos tortoise genome reveals secrets to long, cancer-free lives

“Reverse vaccine” trains immune system not to attack beneficial drugs

The immune system is a powerful weapon protecting us from dangerous infection, but sometimes it can get a little overzealous and attack things that are trying to help us. A new preclinical treatment could one day help, using a kind of “reverse vaccine”… Continue reading “Reverse vaccine” trains immune system not to attack beneficial drugs

Rainbow road sign film would be easier for autonomous vehicles to read

Autonomous vehicles need to operate in a complex environment, and recognizing traffic signs is an important part of that. A new microstructured material reflects light in rainbow rings, which can make traffic signs easier for computer vision systems to… Continue reading Rainbow road sign film would be easier for autonomous vehicles to read