Planet Nine could be a black hole, and a new telescope will tell us

The closest confirmed black hole to Earth is 1,000 light-years away – but could there be one hiding in our own backyard? It’s been hypothesized that a tiny black hole could be orbiting the Sun beyond Neptune, and now astronomers have proposed how we mi… Continue reading Planet Nine could be a black hole, and a new telescope will tell us

One of the most massive stars in local universe may have disappeared

A star that shined with 2.5 million times the light of our Sun has disappeared from the night sky. It is possible that the star collapsed into a black hole without first triggering a supernova – a rare event, even in the context of dying stars.Continue… Continue reading One of the most massive stars in local universe may have disappeared

Variable Mirror Changes Shape Under Pressure

Unless you’re in a carnival funhouse, mirrors are generally dead flat and kind of boring. Throw in some curves and things get interesting, especially when you can control the curve with a touch of your finger, as with this variable surface convex mirror.

The video below starts off with a …read more

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Gamma ray patterns hint at galaxies with two supermassive black holes

Astronomers investigating gamma ray emissions have discovered that certain active galaxies seem to be giving off bursts in regular patterns. This, the team says, could be an indication of galaxies harboring two supermassive black holes in their centers… Continue reading Gamma ray patterns hint at galaxies with two supermassive black holes

Nearest black hole discovered has companion stars visible from Earth

The closest black hole to our solar system has been discovered a mere 1,000 light-years from Earth. The black hole – which has a mass the equivalent to at least four suns – is completely invisible even to the most powerful of observatories, but orbits … Continue reading Nearest black hole discovered has companion stars visible from Earth

Hubble celebrates 30 years of exploring the cosmic ocean

The Hubble Space Telescope is celebrating its 30th launch anniversary with the release of a breathtakingly colorful portrait of two star forming nebulae – collectively nicknamed the “Cosmic Reef” – located in a nearby galaxy orbiting the Milky Way. Des… Continue reading Hubble celebrates 30 years of exploring the cosmic ocean

Searching for Alien Life with the Sun as Gravitational Telescope

Astronomy is undoubtedly one of the most exciting subjects in physics. Especially the search for exoplanets has been a thriving field in the last decades. While the first exoplanet was only discovered in 1992, there are now 4,144 confirmed exoplanets (as of 2nd April 2020). Naturally, we Sci-Fi lovers are …read more

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NASA farewells Spitzer Space Telescope with final mosaic image

The Spitzer Space Telescope was finally decommissioned on January 30 this year, after more than 16 years in operation. Now NASA has released the infrared observatory’s last-ever mosaic image, giving us a glimpse into how Spitzer’s vision works and reve… Continue reading NASA farewells Spitzer Space Telescope with final mosaic image

As A Matter of Fact, It’s All Dark

While the dark side of the moon wasn’t seen by humans until the middle of the 20th century, that side of the moon isn’t always dark, just hidden from view of Earth by a quirk of gravity. The more appropriate name for the other half of the moon is the …read more

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NASA funds concept for gigantic radio telescope on far side of Moon

NASA is exploring the potential of building an enormous radio telescope on the far side of the Moon in a vast, hollowed-out crater. The telescope’s reflector would be comprised of a 1-km (0.6-mile) diameter wire mesh that would be pulled into place by … Continue reading NASA funds concept for gigantic radio telescope on far side of Moon