Premium smart binoculars can identify thousands of birds and animals

You can paw through books or search online to try an identify the strange bird visiting your garden feeder, or tap into the power of the Merlin Bird ID app. Now sports optics manufacturer Swarovski Optik has cooked Merlin smarts into a pair of high-end… Continue reading Premium smart binoculars can identify thousands of birds and animals

Pentax binoculars are an optical multitool for inquisitive eyes

Ricoh Imaging this week launched the Pentax V sport optics series, which will include both binoculars and monoculars. In fact, with its first product, it already includes both. The all-new Pentax VD 4×20 WP is an innovative multifunctional optical tool… Continue reading Pentax binoculars are an optical multitool for inquisitive eyes