Study shows it might never be too late to live longer by dieting

Scientists fed fruit flies a diet to make them extra plump. In their old age, the researchers put them on a diet and found remarkable results. If the findings transfer to humans, it might mean we can improve our health at any age by cutting calories.Co… Continue reading Study shows it might never be too late to live longer by dieting

Longevity gene in golden retrievers related to human cancer gene

Exploring the genetic factors that make golden retrievers more susceptible to cancer than other dog breeds, researchers identified a gene associated with longevity that’s related to a gene that causes cancer cells to grow quickly in humans. The discove… Continue reading Longevity gene in golden retrievers related to human cancer gene

LEV begins experiments aiming to double the lifespan of middle-aged mice

Aubrey de Grey has done a lot to promote the idea that aging and death are solvable problems – that the damage done over time by metabolic processes can be reversed, and that there’s a chance the first thousand-year-old human may already have been born… Continue reading LEV begins experiments aiming to double the lifespan of middle-aged mice

One-minute bursts of everyday activity linked to a longer life

Finding time for exercise around work, family and life’s other commitments can be tricky business, but as research continues to show, there is still a lot to gain from squeezing in short spurts here and there. A new study has driven this point home by … Continue reading One-minute bursts of everyday activity linked to a longer life

Quick two-minute bursts of intense exercise may help us live longer

Some exercise is always going to be better than none when it comes to our health, but studies continues to drive home the value in undertaking even the shortest spurts of physical activity. Newly published research in this area has demonstrated how a s… Continue reading Quick two-minute bursts of intense exercise may help us live longer

One hour of weekly weight training could cut risk of death by 20%

Research continues to demonstrate how the health benefits of weight training go far beyond cultivating the ideal beach body. The latest study to shed light on this topic explores the links between muscle-strengthening activities and risk of death, and … Continue reading One hour of weekly weight training could cut risk of death by 20%