Missing dark matter mystery reveals a galaxy entering death spiral

Astronomers are a step closer to solving a cosmic mystery, thanks to new Hubble data. Observations from the space telescope show a dwarf galaxy previously found to be missing most of its dark matter is being stripped of this matter by a larger nearby g… Continue reading Missing dark matter mystery reveals a galaxy entering death spiral

Proposed dark matter detector watches a billion tiny pendulums swing

Despite hunting for it for decades, scientists have so far been unable to detect any definitive signs of dark matter. But a new detector design, using an array of billions of tiny pendulums, could finally break the silence by searching for the effects … Continue reading Proposed dark matter detector watches a billion tiny pendulums swing

Central void may be tearing asteroid Bennu apart

NASA’s OSIRIS-REx probe has been in orbit around asteroid Bennu for almost two years now, providing us with an unparalleled look at the surface of an asteroid. But what lurks below? New findings from its gravity field suggest Bennu’s core is less dense… Continue reading Central void may be tearing asteroid Bennu apart

Prototype gravity-based energy storage system begins construction

As renewable energy generation grows, so does the need for new storage methods that can be used at times when the Sun isn’t shining or the wind isn’t blowing. A Scottish company called Gravitricity has now broken ground on a demonstrator facility for a… Continue reading Prototype gravity-based energy storage system begins construction

Star spotted with spirograph orbit around supermassive black hole

In space, most orbiting objects will have circular- or elliptical-shaped orbits. But now, almost 30 years of observations has revealed that a star in the center of our galaxy orbits the supermassive black hole Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*) in a rosette, or s… Continue reading Star spotted with spirograph orbit around supermassive black hole

Possible Fifth Force of Nature Found

Over the years, humans have come up with four forces that can be used to describe every single interaction in the physical world. They are gravity, electromagnetism, the weak nuclear force that causes particle decay, and the strong nuclear force that binds quarks into atoms. Together, these have become the …read more

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Red wine compound could help astronauts keep their muscle mass

It’s been said that red wine has health benefits, with studies suggesting it can help fight cancer, obesity, aging, and even cavities. Now, a new study may add muscle loss to the list. In tests on rats, a Harvard team has found that a red win… Continue reading Red wine compound could help astronauts keep their muscle mass

Astronomers Find Strong Evidence There is a Supermassive Black Hole at the Center of Our Galaxy

Astronomers watched as gas approached 30 percent the speed of light during the most detailed observation ever made of material orbiting so close to a black hole. Continue reading Astronomers Find Strong Evidence There is a Supermassive Black Hole at the Center of Our Galaxy

The Expansion of the Universe Appears Faster Than We Thought

The results of a new study are close, but slightly faster than, the generally accepted rate. Continue reading The Expansion of the Universe Appears Faster Than We Thought