ISS Artificial Gravity Study Shows Promise for Long Duration Spaceflight

The International Space Station is humanity’s most expensive gym membership. Since the earliest days of human spaceflight, it’s been understood that longer trips away from Earth’s gravity can have a …read more Continue reading ISS Artificial Gravity Study Shows Promise for Long Duration Spaceflight

Tasting experts sample wine aged for a year in space

If you’ve ever wondered what would happen to wine aged for a year in space then wonder no more. A recent event in France conducted the first ever tasting of “space wine”, with one expert describing it as “more evolved” than its similarly aged earthboun… Continue reading Tasting experts sample wine aged for a year in space

Dark matter or cooling “primordial soup” could create gravitational waves

Just a few months ago, scientists reported the detection of very low-frequency gravitational waves. Now a pair of German astrophysicists has investigated two intriguing possible sources – the universe cooling down after the Big Bang, and a field of par… Continue reading Dark matter or cooling “primordial soup” could create gravitational waves

Physicists measure the gravitational pull of a ladybug

Of the four fundamental forces, gravity is the one we’re most familiar with in our everyday lives, but perhaps surprisingly, it’s the weakest and hardest to measure here on Earth. Now, physicists in Austria have made the smallest measurement of gravity… Continue reading Physicists measure the gravitational pull of a ladybug

A Scientist Made an Artificial Black Hole in the Lab, and You Won’t Believe What Happened Next

OK, that was a little click-baity, but then again, so was the announcement this week that a scientist had confirmed Hawking radiation with a lab-grown black hole. It sure got our attention, at least.

As it turns out, the truth …read more

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Companies Have New Take on Old Energy Storage Tech

According to Spectrum, several companies are poised to make a splash storing energy with gravity. That sounds fancy and high tech at first, but is it, really? Sure, we usually think of energy storage as some sort of battery, but there are many energy storage systems that use water falling, …read more

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Evidence of “modified gravity” strengthens dark matter alternative

Dark matter is currently the most widely accepted hypothesis for explaining some of the weirdness we see in the cosmos – but it’s not the only possibility. Now, a team of astronomers has discovered evidence in over 150 galaxies for a long-standing alte… Continue reading Evidence of “modified gravity” strengthens dark matter alternative