Twitter trolls attack epileptics with seizure-inducing images

They hijacked the Epilepsy Foundation’s hashtags and name during national epilepsy awareness month, when the most people follow the feed. Continue reading Twitter trolls attack epileptics with seizure-inducing images

Epilepsy Foundation Bombarded with Seizure-Triggering Twitter Posts

The Epilepsy Foundation has filed a criminal complaint against undisclosed Twitter users who users its Twitter feed to post seizure-inducing content. Continue reading Epilepsy Foundation Bombarded with Seizure-Triggering Twitter Posts

CBD absorption significantly affected by high-fat foods

Despite cannabidiol (CBD) now being an FDA-approved medicine, designated to help control seizures in children with severe epilepsy, there has been very little study into how food affects the marijuana-derived compound’s absorption. A valuable… Continue reading CBD absorption significantly affected by high-fat foods

Scientists discover molecule in cilantro that can prevent seizures

Cilantro, also known as coriander, has been traditionally used as a folk medicine for thousands of years, with one of those uses being as an anticonvulsant to prevent the onset of epileptic seizures. New research from University of California… Continue reading Scientists discover molecule in cilantro that can prevent seizures

Synthetic CBD proves to be cheaper, and just as effective, as its cannabis-derived cousin

A team of chemists from the University of California, Davis, recently demonstrated that a new synthetic analogue of cannabidiol (CBD) may be just as effective for medicinal uses as its naturally extracted counterpart. This synthetic CBD compo… Continue reading Synthetic CBD proves to be cheaper, and just as effective, as its cannabis-derived cousin

Lab-Grown Mini-Brains Spontaneously Produced ‘Human-Like’ Brain Waves for the First Time

The electrical activity of the lab-grown mini-brains was similar to that seen in premature infants and may help researchers understand brain development disorders. Continue reading Lab-Grown Mini-Brains Spontaneously Produced ‘Human-Like’ Brain Waves for the First Time

Hackaday Prize Entry: Seizure Detection by EEG

For those that suffer them, seizures are a dangerous thing. Outside the neurological effects, there is always the possibility of injury from the surrounding environment as well – consider the dangers of having a seizure near a busy road, or even simply a glass table. Some detection methods exist for seizure sufferers, but they are primarily based on detecting the jerking motion of the patient. [akhil2001us] thinks it’s possible to do better – by measuring brainwaves to detect the onset of seizures.

The build is centered around the Neurosky Mindwave headset. This is an off-the-shelf product designed specifically for capturing …read more

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