Twitter trolls attack epileptics with seizure-inducing images

They hijacked the Epilepsy Foundation’s hashtags and name during national epilepsy awareness month, when the most people follow the feed. Continue reading Twitter trolls attack epileptics with seizure-inducing images

Woman sues US border patrol over data copied from seized iPhone

The Muslim American wants assurances that the data – including photos of her not wearing a hijab – are deleted. Continue reading Woman sues US border patrol over data copied from seized iPhone

Hackaday Prize Entry: Seizure Detection by EEG

For those that suffer them, seizures are a dangerous thing. Outside the neurological effects, there is always the possibility of injury from the surrounding environment as well – consider the dangers of having a seizure near a busy road, or even simply a glass table. Some detection methods exist for seizure sufferers, but they are primarily based on detecting the jerking motion of the patient. [akhil2001us] thinks it’s possible to do better – by measuring brainwaves to detect the onset of seizures.

The build is centered around the Neurosky Mindwave headset. This is an off-the-shelf product designed specifically for capturing …read more

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