CBGA, the “mother of all cannabinoids”, reduces seizures more effectively than CBD

New Australian research is systematically investigating the anticonvulsant effects of a number of rare compounds in cannabis. A new study is reporting cannabigerolic acid (CBGA), informally known as the “mother of all cannabinoids,” may be more effecti… Continue reading CBGA, the “mother of all cannabinoids”, reduces seizures more effectively than CBD

“Reverse optogenetic” protein might pull back the curtain on epilepsy

We’re seeing some significant advances in efforts to leverage light-sensitive proteins to improve human health, a field known as optogenetics, but new research out of Germany flips the script on this emerging technology. Scientists have identified a pr… Continue reading “Reverse optogenetic” protein might pull back the curtain on epilepsy

New repair mechanism discovered in the brain could one day treat seizures

Researchers at the University of Virginia may have discovered a previously unknown repair mechanism at work in the brain. Immune cells called microglia were observed moving beyond their known roles and helping injured neurons heal, potentially paving t… Continue reading New repair mechanism discovered in the brain could one day treat seizures

Targeting brain cells with light halts epileptic activity in mice

One of the ways scientists hope to deliver more precise and effective treatments for conditions afflicting the brain is by using light to target cells, which can be made to respond to this stimuli through light-sensitive proteins and molecules. A resea… Continue reading Targeting brain cells with light halts epileptic activity in mice

The Mozart Effect: Study affirms classical music reduces epileptic seizures

A new systemic review has examined a dozen studies into the effect of Mozart’s music on epilepsy, finding the classical piano music may reduce the frequency of seizures. The review rekindles an idea that has circulated since the early 1990s, labelled t… Continue reading The Mozart Effect: Study affirms classical music reduces epileptic seizures

Wearable Device for Preventing SUDEP (Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy)

Epilepsy is a neurological disorder characterized by the occurrence of seizures. Epilepsy can often prevent patients from living a normal life since it’s nearly impossible to predict when a seizure will occur. The unpredictability of the seizures makes performing tasks such as driving extremely dangerous. One of the challenges in …read more

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Printed Brain Implants Give New Meaning to Neuroplasticity

3D printing has opened up a world of possibilities in plastic, food, concrete, and other materials. Now, MIT engineers have found a way to add brain implants to the list. This technology has the potential to replace electrodes used for monitoring and implants that stimulate brain tissue in order to …read more

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