This drug can give us an edge in the bacteria-antibiotics arms race

The arms race in nature, usually a battle between predator and prey, is one of the most fascinating phenomena in evolutionary biology. But one arms race that isn’t looking too good for humans is the tussle between bacteria and the antibiotics we have t… Continue reading This drug can give us an edge in the bacteria-antibiotics arms race

Sound-powered microbots zip to where they’re needed to deliver drugs

Researchers have taken another step forward in medical micro-robotics, designing a tiny, speedy, self-propelled bot that may one day deliver medications directly where they’re needed inside the body.Continue ReadingCategory: Robotics, TechnologyTags: M… Continue reading Sound-powered microbots zip to where they’re needed to deliver drugs

Breath of life: A simple inhaler could cut postpartum hemorrhage deaths

Melbourne’s Monash University has commenced a Phase 1 clinical trial to test a novel inhaled powder designed to prevent postpartum hemorrhage, a serious complication of childbirth that causes tens of thousands of deaths worldwide.Continue ReadingCatego… Continue reading Breath of life: A simple inhaler could cut postpartum hemorrhage deaths

Painless patch uses ultrasound to deliver drugs through the skin

MIT scientists have developed a new wearable patch that can deliver drugs through the skin more efficiently and painlessly. The device uses pulses of ultrasound to pry open the skin, which could improve topical medications or even tattoos.Continue Read… Continue reading Painless patch uses ultrasound to deliver drugs through the skin

Shapeshifting antibiotics fool drug-resistant bacteria

There’s no question that the discovery of antibiotics just under 100 years ago has had a profound impact on the world. However, the rise of drug-resistant bacteria is now painting more of a grim picture, with some studies predicting that it could claim… Continue reading Shapeshifting antibiotics fool drug-resistant bacteria

Advanced microparticles may make missed meds a thing of the past

Taking prescription medications in the right dose at the right time can directly impact a patient’s health. Conversely, missing medications or not taking them as required can have costly results. Bioengineers at Rice University may have the solution to… Continue reading Advanced microparticles may make missed meds a thing of the past

MOF-Jet tech painlessly shoots powdered medication through the skin

Wouldn’t it be nice if medication could be injected without using a painful needle, and if that medication could be stored at room temperature? Well, it turns out that MOF-Jet technology may make both things possible.Continue ReadingCategory: Medical, … Continue reading MOF-Jet tech painlessly shoots powdered medication through the skin

Light-activated biodegradable implant delivers meds on demand

While there are already a variety of implants that dispense medication within the body, most of them either can’t be externally controlled, or they eventually have to be surgically removed. A new one, however, uses light to avoid both problems.Continue… Continue reading Light-activated biodegradable implant delivers meds on demand

Oral pill cuts bad cholesterol by 60% in phase 2 clinical trial

High cholesterol levels are a common and potentially deadly health problem, but a new drug could help more people manage the condition. An experimental pill has been shown to reduce levels of “bad” cholesterol by 60% in a phase 2 clinical trial.Continu… Continue reading Oral pill cuts bad cholesterol by 60% in phase 2 clinical trial

Phase Change Materials for Flexible and Strong Robots

Top left of image shows a picture of a purplish-grey sea cucumber. Above the cucumber is the word "bio-inspiration." Arrows come from the cucumber to anthropomorphized cartoons of it saying "rigid" at the top with a cartoon sea cucumber standing straight up with spikes and the arrow captioned "soft" pointing down showing a crawling sea cucumber that looks more like a slug. To the right of the cucumber images is a set of three images stacked top to bottom. The top image is of a silver sphere with a zoomed-in atomic diagram with aligned magnetic poles next to it saying "solid state." The middle image shows arrows going up and down next to a snowflake and an artistic rendering of magnetic fields labeled "transition." The bottom image of this section shows a reddish sphere next to a zoomed-in atomic diagram where the magnetic poles are not aligned labeled "liquid state."

Shape shifters have long been the stuff of speculative fiction, but researchers in China have developed a magnetoactive phase transitional matter (MPTM) that makes Odo slipping through an air vent …read more Continue reading Phase Change Materials for Flexible and Strong Robots