“Functional cure” for diabetes restores insulin production with stem cells

A patient with type 1 diabetes has been functionally cured of the disease, requiring no insulin doses for over a year. The treatment involves growing and transplanting new insulin-producing cells from the patient’s own stem cells.Continue ReadingCatego… Continue reading “Functional cure” for diabetes restores insulin production with stem cells

“Functional cure” for diabetes restores insulin production with stem cells

A patient with type 1 diabetes has been functionally cured of the disease, requiring no insulin doses for over a year. The treatment involves growing and transplanting new insulin-producing cells from the patient’s own stem cells.Continue ReadingCatego… Continue reading “Functional cure” for diabetes restores insulin production with stem cells

“Functional cure” for diabetes restores insulin production with stem cells

A patient with type 1 diabetes has been functionally cured of the disease, requiring no insulin doses for over a year. The treatment involves growing and transplanting new insulin-producing cells from the patient’s own stem cells.Continue ReadingCatego… Continue reading “Functional cure” for diabetes restores insulin production with stem cells

Insulin-free life for diabetics closer after successful cell pouch trial

Implanting a pouch of stem-cell-derived pancreas cells under the skin of type 1 diabetics has enabled them to live without insulin injections for years and maintain non-diabetic blood sugar levels, according to the results of a clinical trial. It’s a b… Continue reading Insulin-free life for diabetics closer after successful cell pouch trial

Insulin-free life for diabetics closer after successful cell pouch trial

Implanting a pouch of stem-cell-derived pancreas cells under the skin of type 1 diabetics has enabled them to live without insulin injections for years and maintain non-diabetic blood sugar levels, according to the results of a clinical trial. It’s a b… Continue reading Insulin-free life for diabetics closer after successful cell pouch trial

Once-weekly insulin proves on par with daily shots for sugar control

Clinical trials of a new, once-a-week insulin have shown that it controls blood sugar as well as daily injections of an existing long-acting insulin in type 1 and type 2 diabetics. This means that some diabetics may soon not need to inject themselves a… Continue reading Once-weekly insulin proves on par with daily shots for sugar control

Surprising group of healthy foods found to raise diabetes risk

While they might sound like healthy choices, a large study in Finland has revealed the detrimental impact of eating most fruits and several grains on diabetes risk. The study also revealed a helpful food ally in fighting off the disease.Continue Readin… Continue reading Surprising group of healthy foods found to raise diabetes risk

Night owls shown to have 46% higher chance of developing diabetes

While being a night owl has a certain cachet, a new study shows that staying up into the wee hours can be downright dangerous. The late-night lifestyle was shown to dramatically raise diabetes risk and cause several other health-damaging effects.Contin… Continue reading Night owls shown to have 46% higher chance of developing diabetes

Popular weight loss diet increases type 2 diabetes risk by 20%

A diet low in carbs and high in fat, which has gained popularity as a way of shedding weight, can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes by 20%, according to a new study. The research team behind the study says their findings highlight the need to eat a … Continue reading Popular weight loss diet increases type 2 diabetes risk by 20%