Synthetic organism undergoes cell division in breakthrough study

For the first time, a team of scientists has created a synthetic single-celled organism that can divide and grow like a regular living cell. This breakthrough could lead to designer cells that can produce useful chemicals on demand or treat disease fro… Continue reading Synthetic organism undergoes cell division in breakthrough study

3D “super-resolution” images show tiny structures in living mouse brains

Researchers have adapted an advanced microscopy technique to take “super-resolution” 3D images inside the brains of living mice. The method is so precise the team was able to image the tiny twigs on the branches of neurons, and could watch how they cha… Continue reading 3D “super-resolution” images show tiny structures in living mouse brains

Reprogrammed skin cells restore motor function in stroke-affected mice

Scientists continue to break new ground in the realm of cellular reprogramming, a burgeoning area of medical research where one type of cell is retrained to fulfill the role of another. A team at Ohio State University (OSU) has leveraged this technolog… Continue reading Reprogrammed skin cells restore motor function in stroke-affected mice

Skin cells used to produce first complete model of early human embryo

Researchers have very limited opportunities to study the earliest stages of human development, but a groundbreaking discovery led by a team in Australia will now provide them with a valuable new model to investigate the science behind matters like infe… Continue reading Skin cells used to produce first complete model of early human embryo

Newly discovered bone cell offers a fresh target for skeletal diseases

By taking their microscopes to the skeletal structures of the human body, scientists in Australia have unearthed an entirely new type of bone cell, one they believe may play an important role in the development of various bone diseases. The new cell sw… Continue reading Newly discovered bone cell offers a fresh target for skeletal diseases

Reprogrammed cells mix with hybrid scaffold to rebuild injured muscle

One of the ways scientists hope to rebuild muscles in patients where they are lacking is by taking cells responsible for entirely other functions in the human body and repurposing them. Known as direct cell reprogramming, scientists have now combined t… Continue reading Reprogrammed cells mix with hybrid scaffold to rebuild injured muscle

Alzheimer’s scientists uncover “seeding” process of toxic protein tangles

Tau tangles (blue) can build up inside neurons, and are implicated in the formation of Alzheimer's

Researchers in Australia and China have shed new light on the murky origins of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, which could eventually lead to new treatments. The team uncovered a mechanism for how toxic tangles of tau proteins leak into healthy brain cells.

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Scientists bypass “undruggable” cancer proteins to shrink tumors in mice

Researchers at Vanderbilt University have discovered how to effectively switch off a gene that drives the growth of cancer. The gene, known as Myc, has long been a target but was considered “undruggable” – so the team instead shut down a protein that i… Continue reading Scientists bypass “undruggable” cancer proteins to shrink tumors in mice

Reviving exhausted T cells gets them back in the fight against cancer

One of the most promising emerging cancer therapies is CAR T cell immunotherapy, where a patient’s own immune cells are supercharged to fight tumors. Now researchers have found a way to refresh exhausted immune cells and get them back into battle soone… Continue reading Reviving exhausted T cells gets them back in the fight against cancer

Eye membrane removal may help transplanted cells reverse glaucoma damage

Glaucoma is a serious eye disease that can gradually cause vision loss, which is currently irreversible. But in a new cell culture study scientists found that removing a membrane at the back of the eye could help transplanted cells migrate into the opt… Continue reading Eye membrane removal may help transplanted cells reverse glaucoma damage