Higher rates of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in dogs fed raw meat

A pair of new studies from researchers in the UK offer a warning to dog owners who frequently feed their pets raw meat. The research indicates pets fed raw meat diets were more likely to harbor antibiotic-resistant bacteria.Continue ReadingCategory: He… Continue reading Higher rates of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in dogs fed raw meat

Smart hydrogel dressing releases antibiotics when it detects bacteria

Scientists at Brown University have developed a new material that can release drugs only when pathogenic bacteria are around. When used as a bandage, the hydrogel could deliver medication on-demand when infection begins to take hold.Continue ReadingCat… Continue reading Smart hydrogel dressing releases antibiotics when it detects bacteria

Tiny light-powered drills could be our secret weapon against superbugs

Bacteria may be great at developing resistance to our best drugs, but there are some things they can’t evolve their way out of – like tiny drills ripping them open. Researchers at Rice University have now demonstrated their next generation molecular dr… Continue reading Tiny light-powered drills could be our secret weapon against superbugs

Algorithm-aided antibiotic hunt yields powerful new drug candidate

Algorithms have helped uncover a new antibiotic candidate that shows promise against some particularly nasty bugs, using a novel mode of attack that should be hard for them to develop resistance to. Most importantly it could unlock a whole new arsenal … Continue reading Algorithm-aided antibiotic hunt yields powerful new drug candidate

Engineered bacteria prevent antibiotics decimating the gut microbiome

An intriguing study led by researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has demonstrated how an engineered form of bacteria can protect the gut microbiome from the impact of antibiotic use. Mouse studies showed the bacteria breaks down an… Continue reading Engineered bacteria prevent antibiotics decimating the gut microbiome

Smart bandage only releases medication when infections put the heat on

While antibiotics are very effective at treating infected wounds, they should definitely be used sparingly. An experimental new bandage was designed with this fact in mind, as it only dispenses medication when it detects the heat of an infection.Contin… Continue reading Smart bandage only releases medication when infections put the heat on

New superbug treatment disables drug resistance in deadly bacteria

Antibiotic-resistant bacteria are poised to become one of the most pressing health problems in coming decades, with these superbugs predicted to claim up to 10 million lives a year by 2050. Researchers at the University of Texas at Austin have found a … Continue reading New superbug treatment disables drug resistance in deadly bacteria

Nature-inspired nanotextures pop superbugs, help ships cut through water

Researchers at Imperial College London have developed a simple new way to make materials with intricate nanoscale textures on their surfaces, all inspired by nature. Different patterns can have a range of applications, like making antimicrobial surface… Continue reading Nature-inspired nanotextures pop superbugs, help ships cut through water

Stalled Alzheimer’s drug may find new purpose against superbugs

Researchers have repurposed an experimental Alzheimer's drug to fight antibiotic-resistant bacteria

Our antibiotics are failing in large numbers, threatening a future “dark age of medicine” where once-simple infections become lethal again. A team of scientists has now found a way to restore common antibiotics to their former strength, by repurposing a molecule developed to treat Alzheimer’s.

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Notorious superbug arose in hedgehogs before clinical use of antibiotics

MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) is a dangerous antibiotic-resistant superbug often found infecting vulnerable hospital patients. Commonly thought to have emerged in the mid-20th century as a result of excessive antibiotic use, a new … Continue reading Notorious superbug arose in hedgehogs before clinical use of antibiotics