Biomarker identified that helps diagnose cause of cognitive decline

A study has found a biomarker that may assist in determining the underlying cause of cognitive impairment in elderly people

It can be difficult to determine whether cognitive decline in older adults is caused by vascular problems or dementia. New research has now identified a biomarker associated with the vascular causes of cognitive impairment that may assist with differentiating the two.

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New neurological disease discovered in three children

Illustration of a child with the brain visible

A neurological disorder that causes issues with speech and motor coordination has been identified in three children by scientists from the National Institutes of Health’s National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) and Undiagnosed Diseases Program. The researchers believe the condition is caused by a genetic mutation that affects the ability of neurons in the brain to properly carry out a cellular recycling function called autophagy. In addition to helping those afflicted with the condition, the scientists hope the discovery could help evaluate other diseases in which autophagy is implicated, such as Alzheimer’s.

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Big study uncovers 22 links between viral infections and brain disease

A new study cannot determine a causal relationship between viral infections and neurodegenerative disease, but there is a correlation

New research looking at health records from nearly half a million people has identified 22 different associations between viral infections and neurodegenerative diseases. Influenza, encephalitis and other viral infections all were linked to increased rates of brain diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and MS.

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Hormone replacement therapy may reduce dementia risk in women

HRT was associated with larger entorhinal and amygdala volumes and better responses to memory tests

New research has found hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can be linked with better brain health and cognition among women with a high genetic risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. The findings are observational, and cannot determine causality, but they do build on a body of study trying to understand why women are generally more likely to develop Alzheimer’s compared to men.

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More evidence of role gut bacteria may play in Alzheimer’s decline

Research has found animals with no gut bacteria showed lower rates of neurodegeneration than animals with normal microbiomes

A fascinating new study has shed more light on how the trillions of microbes in our gut could be affecting our brain health. The animal research found mice engineered to develop Alzheimer’s developed significantly fewer signs of neurodegeneration when raised with no gut bacteria, suggesting the microbiome may play a crucial role in the development of neurodegenerative disease.

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Implantable lens could warn of Alzheimer’s disease

The lens could be implanted behind the cornea of people known to be at risk of Alzheimer's

As is the case with so many other things, the sooner that Alzheimer’s disease is detected, the more that can be done to slow its progress. An experimental implantable lens could help, by changing in appearance at the early stages of the illness.

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Another controversial FDA approval for a new Alzheimer’s medication

The approval of a drug for Alzheimer's follows several recently reported deaths of clinical trial participants

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a new drug for patients in the early-stages of Alzheimer’s disease. Called Leqembi (lecanemab) the treatment was heralded last year as a major breakthrough in Alzheimer’s therapy following early Phase 3 data indicating it could slow the progression of cognitive decline. But growing concerns over the drug’s safety and real-world efficacy have led to acrimonious division amongst researchers, with some suggesting the drug should not be authorized for wide use.

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Signs of Alzheimer’s found in brains of beached dolphins

New research bolsters a hypothesis dubbed

Could the phenomenon of whale and dolphin strandings be due to Alzheimer’s-like cognitive deficits in pod leaders that draw groups into shallow waters? A new study looking at brain tissue from stranded dolphins reveals pathological signs that resemble what is seen in human patients with Alzheimer’s disease.

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New evidence links nasal viral infections to rapid Alzheimer’s progression

A new study has found evidence that viral infections in the olfactory system could trigger a cascade of events that can lead to Alzheimer's disease

A new study has presented more evidence backing up a hypothesis suggesting viral infections in the olfactory system can accelerate the progression of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Instead of focusing on specific viruses, the research looked at the relationship between biomarkers of viral infections and neurodegeneration in the hippocampus.

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