A new cause of brain hemorrhage has been identified

New findings open the door to treatments that ensure the movement of red blood cells through brain capillaries

In a significant development for brain health, scientists have demonstrated for the first time how hemorrhages can occur due to a faulty interaction between aged red blood cells and narrow capillaries. Until now, the cause of this serious condition has been brain bleeding that results from injured or damaged blood vessels.

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Alzheimer’s brain effects may be broader than previously thought

A study has found that Alzheimer's disease has a broader effect on brain network function than previously thought

Analyzing the functional connectivity of different brain networks, researchers found that, compared to a healthy aging brain, Alzheimer’s disease disrupts areas of the brain beyond those relating to memory and is independent of factors typically associated with the disease, such as amyloid beta levels.

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Portable device detects Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s biomarkers on the spot

The prototype device, which is currently being commercialized by biotech company Ampera Life

Because of the logistics and invasive procedures involved, many people put off getting tested for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. Thanks to a new portable device, however, such testing could soon be performed non-invasively at just about any location.

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Drop the MIC: Natural compound could extend life, rejuvenate cells

The race is on to find the drug that will help us live healthier, for longer

There are currently dozens of different molecules and compounds at trial stage, as scientists across the globe search for the knockout anti-aging drug, but most have a common thread: finding a way to keep our old cells firing on all cylinders, while simultaneously making sure they remain savvy microbiological recyclers.

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Drug slows tau’s transformation into toxic tangles seen in Alzheimer’s

Researchers have used an experimental drug to slow the phosphorylation of tau, which causes it to aggregate into neuron-damaging tangles in Alzheimer's disease

Researchers have found that when used on monkeys, an experimental drug slowed the process that leads the tau protein to aggregate into neuron-damaging tangles commonly seen in Alzheimer’s disease and improved the animals’ cognitive functioning. The next step is to develop a drug that can be used in humans.

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Insulin may be key to the link between obesity and dementia

High-sugar diets may be disrupting the brain's ability to clear out toxic proteins, leading to the development of neurodegenerative diseases

A compelling new study from scientists at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center is pointing to a possible mechanism linking obesity with neurodegenerative diseases. The detailed work in fruit flies suggests diet-induced insulin resistance can impair the brain’s ability to clear out neuronal debris and contribute to the development of diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

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In a first, memory shown to have two distinct past and future paths

For the first time, scientists have teased apart two parts of our memory that makes the all-important whole

For the first time, scientists have found that the region in our brain that houses memory is made up of not one but two sections: one that deals with past experiences of time and places, and one that is more predictive, and actively constructs future behaviors.

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Surgery-free brain stimulation offers new hope for dementia treatment

It's hoped temporal interference brain stimulation can spark diseased neurons back to life

Scientists have completed a successful human trial using new high-frequency technology to stimulate neurons in the hippocampus, the area responsible for forming, organizing and retrieving memories. This non-invasive, painless treatment is now being trialed in older individuals with cognitive impairment, as a potential way to improve memory loss and function caused by Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia.

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Acid reflux medication use and dementia linked in people aged 60-69

Scientists have linked dementia and acid-reflux medicine use, but are yet to work out precisely how they're connected

Another large study has found a correlation between proton pump inhibitors (PPI) and an increased risk of dementia, particularly for those aged 60-69 years. But scientists still don’t fully understand why.

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SmartSocks designed to help keep dementia under control

A pair of the SmartSocks, which could also be used to monitor people with non-verbal autism

People suffering from dementia not only get confused, they can also become highly anxious and even aggressive. In order to catch such behaviors before they escalate out of control, a British scientist has developed a pair of sensor-packin’ socks.

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