Combination peanut allergy treatment leads to fewer side effects

For around the past decade, a research group led by the Australia’s Murdoch Children’s Research Institute (MCRI) has been investigating treatments for peanut allergies in children, and study by study, they are making some exciting progress. The latest … Continue reading Combination peanut allergy treatment leads to fewer side effects

“Reverse vaccine” trains immune system not to attack beneficial drugs

The immune system is a powerful weapon protecting us from dangerous infection, but sometimes it can get a little overzealous and attack things that are trying to help us. A new preclinical treatment could one day help, using a kind of “reverse vaccine”… Continue reading “Reverse vaccine” trains immune system not to attack beneficial drugs

Analysis of baby’s first poo reveals link with future allergy risk

Canadian researchers are reporting allergies that develop in a baby’s initial year of life could be predicted by analyzing their first poo after birth. The study claims one’s microbial make-up at birth can play a major role in early immune development…. Continue reading Analysis of baby’s first poo reveals link with future allergy risk

Study suggests antihistamines can blunt the beneficial effects of exercise

A unique new study, published in the journal Science Advances, is suggesting antihistamines can blunt some of the beneficial effects of exercise. The research found histamine functioning may be vital to both the short and long-term benefits of exercise… Continue reading Study suggests antihistamines can blunt the beneficial effects of exercise

Allergy seasons getting longer and more severe thanks to climate change

For many people, the beauty of spring is countered by the sneezing, runny nose and itchy eyes of allergies that come with the warmer weather. For those people, science has some bad news – climate change seems to be making pollen season longer and more … Continue reading Allergy seasons getting longer and more severe thanks to climate change

Trial finds introducing gluten into diet early may prevent celiac disease

The researchers say it is too soon to offer dietary recommendations to new parents, but instead call for large trials to establish clear evidence

The results of a long-term clinical trial have found carefully introducing gluten into an infant’s diet from the age of four months could reduce their risk of developing celiac disease. The trial only offers preliminary evidence of this association, and the researchers stress larger trials are necessary before any broader dietary recommendations are suggested.

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Eating black raspberries may reduce incidences of itchy, red skin

There may be new hope for people prone to allergic reactions of the skin. According to a new study, one serving of black raspberries per day could minimize the effects.Continue ReadingCategory: Health & Wellbeing, LifestyleTags: Ohio State Universi… Continue reading Eating black raspberries may reduce incidences of itchy, red skin

Anaphylaxis-preventing pill offers new hope for severe allergy sufferers

Promising new research from Northwestern University is reporting progress in the development of an anaphylaxis-preventing pill. The drug, initially designed as an alternative to chemotherapy for some types of cancer, could hypothetically be taken befor… Continue reading Anaphylaxis-preventing pill offers new hope for severe allergy sufferers

Could nasal swabs replace skin-prick allergy tests?

Although no one likes getting blood samples drawn or having their skin pricked, these are the most common methods of testing for allergies. Thanks to a new study, however, such uncomfortable pokes could soon be replaced with painless nasal swabs.Contin… Continue reading Could nasal swabs replace skin-prick allergy tests?