Secure session management for browser-based screen sharing support tool

I’m designing a web-based screen sharing tool for customer support, where support agents need to view customers’ screens without requiring any software installation.
The flow I’m considering is:

Support agent generates/receives a session … Continue reading Secure session management for browser-based screen sharing support tool

Is WireGuard fixed IP address obtainable by LAN clients if VPN is running on the router? WebRTC/STUN risk?

WireGuard does not assign dynamic IP addresses, which may be a privacy risk.

It is known that while WireGuard may offer advantages in terms of
performance, by design it is not ideal for privacy, because it doesn’t
allocate VPN IP Addresse… Continue reading Is WireGuard fixed IP address obtainable by LAN clients if VPN is running on the router? WebRTC/STUN risk?

Am I exposed to WebRTC leaks if my IP resulting from WebRTC is the IP of my VPN server with the last digit augmented by one?

I am connecting to the website of ExpressVPN that checks for WebRTC IP leaks.
My IP as resulting from that website is the same IP of the VPN server I am connected to but with the last digit augmented by 1.
That is, if IP address of my VPN … Continue reading Am I exposed to WebRTC leaks if my IP resulting from WebRTC is the IP of my VPN server with the last digit augmented by one?

Why does my IP being leaked with system-wide proxy through webTRC, but it doesn’t happen when I use system-wide VPN

WebRTC manages to leak my IP when I use proxy, but when I use VPN it only shows VPN server’s IP (both proxy and VPN were system-wide). What’s the key difference? Google Chrome was used in both tests (webRTC leak test). https://browserleask… Continue reading Why does my IP being leaked with system-wide proxy through webTRC, but it doesn’t happen when I use system-wide VPN