Is the video/audio traffic from WebRTC TURN relay servers encrypted end-to-end? As with the applications Signal and Jitsi Meet

Today I found a video on YouTube that surprised me ( It is by Rob Braxman, a privacy advocate with a lot of expertise.
He talks about all kinds of video conferencing situations. Like one-to-one,… Continue reading Is the video/audio traffic from WebRTC TURN relay servers encrypted end-to-end? As with the applications Signal and Jitsi Meet

What, if anything, are the consequences of temporarily enabling and then disabling WebRTC in Firefox?

For security and privacy purposes, it’s best to keep WebRTC disabled if you aren’t using it. Firefox makes this easy by simply setting media.peerconnection.enabled to false.
Due to COVID-19, the use of teleconferencing has increased drama… Continue reading What, if anything, are the consequences of temporarily enabling and then disabling WebRTC in Firefox?

Can Ed25519 be used to mitigate MITM attack on WebRTC with an untrusted signaling channel?

Based on this question, I’ve discovered that the signaling channel for WebRTC must be trusted in order to prevent MITM attacks. This is unfortunate for a P2P use-cases where the signaling channel is some 3rd party device.

One idea I had i… Continue reading Can Ed25519 be used to mitigate MITM attack on WebRTC with an untrusted signaling channel?

Robot Allows Remote Colleagues To Enjoy Office Shenanigans

[Esther Rietmann] and colleagues built a Telepresence Robot to allow work at home teammates to have a virtual, but physical presence in the office. A telepresence robot is like a tablet mounted on a Roomba, providing motion capability in addition to an audio/video connection. Built during a 48 hour hackathon, …read more

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Pi Zero Streams Video From “Fake” Security Camera

Fake security cameras are advertised as a cheap way to deter anyone who might be up to no good. This isn’t a crime and punishment blog, so we’re not really in a position to say how accurate that claim actually is, but we see enough of these things for sale …read more

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