httpOnly Session Cookies in an iframe context in the future w/o SameSite=None

My website is using session cookies (w/ SameSite=Lax, secure, httpOnly attributes) and a CSRF Token stored in localStorage. Recently I developed a teams app, which essentially loads the website through an iframe (there is no other option t… Continue reading httpOnly Session Cookies in an iframe context in the future w/o SameSite=None

Unable to login to Portswigger lab website with curl or javascript [closed]

I’m studying the basics of XSRF on Portswigger and I’ve completed Lab: CSRF vulnerability with no defenses with FireFox. I attempted to go a step further by completing the same lab from the terminal. However when I send a request to the se… Continue reading Unable to login to Portswigger lab website with curl or javascript [closed]

What is the correct way to implement a change-of-email request flow?

I am currently implementing a change-of-email request flow for a web service without MFA. My initial approach is to consult the current OWASP Guide for such a flow. In reading the document, I’ve realized this is quite different from the f… Continue reading What is the correct way to implement a change-of-email request flow?