Work Life Ventures raises $5M for debut enterprise SaaS seed fund

Brianne Kimmel on her debut fund: “I want to be mindful that I am a female GP and I feel honored to have that title.” Continue reading Work Life Ventures raises $5M for debut enterprise SaaS seed fund

Feeding Chickens, With Style

Ah, the joys of domestic animals. Often adorable, occasionally useful, they’re universally unable to care for themselves in the slightest. That’s part of the bargain though; we take over responsibility for their upkeep and they repay us with whatever it is they do best. Unless the animal in question is …read more

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Opera launches a ‘gaming browser’ with Twitch integration

“You’re probably asking, ‘what is a gaming browser?,’ ” Opera PM Maciej Kocemba says in the opening of the Opera GX introduction video. Fair enough. My first thought when the Norwegian browser company mentioned the concept to me was something akin to Google Stadia, with remote game streaming. Turns out a gaming browser — in …

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Continue reading Opera launches a ‘gaming browser’ with Twitch integration

AI-Enabled Teletype Live Streams Nearly Coherent Conversations

If you’ve got a working Model 33 Teletype, every project starts to look like an excuse to use it. While the hammering, whirring symphony of a teleprinter going full tilt brings to mind a simpler time of room-sized computers and 300 baud connections, it turns out that a Teletype makes …read more

Continue reading AI-Enabled Teletype Live Streams Nearly Coherent Conversations Data Breach, Capsizing a Ship with a Cyberattack, World’s Most Dangerous Malware

In episode 86 of our monthly show we discuss Tom’s new garbage service (yep, that’s right) and why taking credit cards by filling out a form and mailing it is never a good idea, the data breach, how a cyberattack could caps… Continue reading Data Breach, Capsizing a Ship with a Cyberattack, World’s Most Dangerous Malware

Feeding Dogs over Twitch is Latest E-Sport Craze

The modern social-networking fueled Internet loves two things more than anything: pets, and watching other people do stuff. There’s probably a scroll tucked behind a filing cabinet at Vint Cerf’s house that foretells anyone who can harness these two elements will gain control of the Internet Ready Player One style. If so, we’re thinking [Tyler Pearce] is well on his way to ascending the throne.

In an effort to make the Overwatch Twitch streams of his betrothed even more enticing, [Tyler] came up with a way for viewers to feed their dog Larry by dropping a command in the chat. …read more

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