World’s most accurate atomic clock off by 1 second every 30 billion years

Scientists have developed the most precise and accurate atomic clock to date – if you ran it for twice the current age of the universe, it would only be off by one second. This could not only improve services like GPS, but help scientists probe how gra… Continue reading World’s most accurate atomic clock off by 1 second every 30 billion years

Blood sugar goes low and stays low with exercise at this time of day

It’s no surprise that regular exercise can improve a variety of health metrics. But a new study shows that when you work out is as important as exercise itself, especially when it comes to controlling your blood sugar levels.Continue ReadingCategory: H… Continue reading Blood sugar goes low and stays low with exercise at this time of day

Theory of Relativity drives plan for Moon standard time

Thanks to Albert Einstein, the US Government wants to establish an official time zone for the Moon. It has less to do with jet lag and more to do with how gravity affects time and can throw a lot of very precise technologies seriously off track.Continu… Continue reading Theory of Relativity drives plan for Moon standard time

Time cell discovery reveals the bizarre way the nose powers actions

From sniffing out diseases and explosives, to some clever animal and dinosaur adaptations for life, the nose and its broad olfactory functions are an important, if somewhat underappreciated, part of many animals’ sensory systems.Continue ReadingCategor… Continue reading Time cell discovery reveals the bizarre way the nose powers actions