US firm accused of secretly installing location tracking SDK in mobile apps

By Zara Khan
AUS government contractor ‘Anomaly Six’ has location tracking software hidden in more than 500 mobile apps.
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China’s insidious surveillance against Uyghurs with Android malware

By Sudais Asif
China for long has been persecuting Uyghurs Muslims on the pretext of countering extremist ideologies…
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Lamphone attack recovers secretive conversations via hanging light bulb

By Deeba Ahmed
Lamphone attack allowed researchers to recover conversations from a distance of 25 meters.
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New iOS vulnerability being exploited to spy on Uyghurs in China

By Sudais Asif
It is being revealed that a new and critical iOS vulnerability is being exploited to spy on the Uyghurs minority in China.
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President Signs Two Broadband Bills

On March 24, President Trump signed two bills designed to enhance the availability and security of 5G and other broadband services. The first bill, the “Broadband Deployment Accuracy and Technological Availability Act” or the “Broadband DATA Act” requ… Continue reading President Signs Two Broadband Bills

Apple removes Clearview AI iPhone app from App Store

By Waqas
Clearview AI suffered a massive data breach a few days ago and now the company has its app suspended by Apple.
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KidsGuard stalkerware leaks data on secretly surveilled victims

The company left a server open and unprotected, regurgitating private data slurped from thousands of surveilled people, including children. Continue reading KidsGuard stalkerware leaks data on secretly surveilled victims