RNA “evolution” breakthrough offers new clues on the origins of life

Researchers at the University of Tokyo have created an RNA molecule that can not just replicate, but “evolve” into a diverse range of more complex molecules. This find could plug a major gap in the puzzle of how life on Earth began.Continue ReadingCate… Continue reading RNA “evolution” breakthrough offers new clues on the origins of life

mRNA vaccine makers set sights on shingles and the Epstein-Barr virus

More advances on the mRNA vaccine front this week as both Pfizer and Moderna move forward on new viral targets for future vaccines. Pfizer is turning its focus to shingles while Moderna has begun human trials for a mRNA vaccine against the Epstein-Barr… Continue reading mRNA vaccine makers set sights on shingles and the Epstein-Barr virus

Experimental RNA therapy harnesses immune system to fight COVID-19

Researchers at the Yale School of Medicine have developed a new kind of COVID-19 treatment designed to stimulate the body’s immune defenses and fight off a coronavirus infection at its earliest stages. In preclinical animal tests an experimental RNA mo… Continue reading Experimental RNA therapy harnesses immune system to fight COVID-19

Self-replicating protocells created in lab may be life’s “missing link”

Exactly how life first emerged from non-living matter is one of the most enduring mysteries of science. In a new study, Japanese scientists have created self-replicating protocells in the lab, which they say could represent the “missing link” between c… Continue reading Self-replicating protocells created in lab may be life’s “missing link”

Beyond CRISPR: New class of gene-editing enzymes discovered

One of the most revolutionary discoveries of the century, the CRISPR gene-editing system is built on a bacterial defense mechanism that allows scientists to make precise edits to DNA. Now scientists at MIT have discovered a new class of enzymes called … Continue reading Beyond CRISPR: New class of gene-editing enzymes discovered

Worms found to share “memories” by swapping RNA to warn of danger

Sharing information is crucial for species to survive, but how do simple lifeforms like worms spread the word? New research from Princeton has found that tiny roundworms can transfer “memories” to their neighbors, and pass them down to their offspring … Continue reading Worms found to share “memories” by swapping RNA to warn of danger

Moderna COVID-19 vaccine safe & effective for teens, clinical trial finds

The results of a large Phase 3 trial testing Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine in 12 to 17 year olds have been published in The New England Journal of Medicine. The study indicates the vaccine is as safe and effective as it was previously found to be in adult… Continue reading Moderna COVID-19 vaccine safe & effective for teens, clinical trial finds

Moderna says vaccine efficacy strong after six months, but booster likely

New data announced by Moderna is showing its mRNA COVID-19 vaccine remains significantly effective after six months. However, the company does note that a possible reduction in efficacy in the face of the new Delta variant indicates a likely need for t… Continue reading Moderna says vaccine efficacy strong after six months, but booster likely

After COVID-19 BioNTech turns its mRNA vaccine tech on malaria

BioNTech, the pioneering mRNA company responsible for one of the world’s first COVID-19 vaccines, is now looking to develop an mRNA malaria vaccine. Working with the World Health Organization the company hopes to begin human clinical trials sometime ne… Continue reading After COVID-19 BioNTech turns its mRNA vaccine tech on malaria