The world’s toughest animal could one day help save your life

They’ve been fired from a gas gun to test their candidacy for panspermia, are believed to have survived the Beresheet lunar probe’s crash-landing on the Moon, can live without water, withstand radiation, survive being frozen and are expected to be one … Continue reading The world’s toughest animal could one day help save your life

Gene linked to leukemia found to decrease insulin production in diabetics

With the incidence of type 2 diabetes increasing alarmingly, science is looking to genetics to better understand the processes underlying this chronic illness. A new study has isolated a gene not previously associated with diabetes that seems to lead t… Continue reading Gene linked to leukemia found to decrease insulin production in diabetics

“Hairpins” made of artificial DNA clasp and kill cancer

Researchers in Japan have demonstrated a promising new cancer treatment. The team developed artificial DNA sequences shaped like hairpins that latch onto molecules overexpressed in cancer and trigger a strong immune response.Continue ReadingCategory: M… Continue reading “Hairpins” made of artificial DNA clasp and kill cancer

Impressive results from “game-changing” mRNA skin cancer vaccine trial

The first results from an advanced trial testing mRNA technology against cancer reveal 44% of patients fared better than those on conventional treatments alone. The preliminary announcement from Moderna reveals Phase 3 trials for its personalized mRNA … Continue reading Impressive results from “game-changing” mRNA skin cancer vaccine trial

First known RNA-targeting toxin launches “total assault” to kill bacteria

Scientists at McMaster University have identified a toxin used by bacteria to kill other bacteria through a never-before-seen mechanism. The toxin is the first found to directly target RNA molecules in what the team describes as “a total assault on the… Continue reading First known RNA-targeting toxin launches “total assault” to kill bacteria

New mRNA cancer vaccine targets lymph nodes for stronger immune response

Researchers at Tufts University have created a new mRNA vaccine for cancer that’s designed to carry its cargo to the lymph nodes rather than the liver. Tests in mice showed significant inhibition of the tumors, with the cancer disappearing completely i… Continue reading New mRNA cancer vaccine targets lymph nodes for stronger immune response

New mRNA cancer vaccine targets lymph nodes for stronger immune response

Researchers at Tufts University have created a new mRNA vaccine for cancer that’s designed to carry its cargo to the lymph nodes rather than the liver. Tests in mice showed significant inhibition of the tumors, with the cancer disappearing completely i… Continue reading New mRNA cancer vaccine targets lymph nodes for stronger immune response

mRNA treatment repairs mouse hearts to “near normal” after heart attack

Researchers at the University of Houston have demonstrated a new technique for helping heart cells regenerate after a heart attack, using mRNA to return the cells to a stem-cell-like state. Tests in mice showed drastic improvements to heart function a … Continue reading mRNA treatment repairs mouse hearts to “near normal” after heart attack

All five of life’s base units have now been found in meteorites

How life on Earth first arose is one of the most profound mysteries of science, and evidence is mounting that the key building blocks may have been delivered to our home planet from space. A new study makes that scenario seem even more likely, as scien… Continue reading All five of life’s base units have now been found in meteorites

siRNA therapy shows promise for reducing genetic heart disease risk

In phase 1 trials, an experimental siRNA therapy has shown promise for reducing levels of a lipoprotein associated with a higher risk of premature heart disease. The treatment could help fight a form of the disease that can’t currently be treated throu… Continue reading siRNA therapy shows promise for reducing genetic heart disease risk