Threatpost News Wrap, November 18, 2016

Mike Mimoso and Chris Brook discuss the news of the week, including this week’s House hearing on the Internet of Things, Samy Kamkar’s PoisonTap tool, and Windows 10’s ransomware protections. Continue reading Threatpost News Wrap, November 18, 2016

PoisonTap Makes Raspberry Pi Zero Exploit Locked Computers

[Samy Kamkar], leet haxor extraordinaire, has taken a treasure trove of exploits and backdoors and turned it into a simple hardware device that hijacks all network traffic, enables remote access, and does it all while a machine is locked. It’s PoisonTap, and it’s based on the Raspberry Pi Zero for all that awesome tech blog cred we crave so much.

PoisonTap takes a Raspberry Pi Zero and configures it as a USB Gadget, emulating a network device. When this Pi-come-USB-to-Ethernet adapter is plugged into a computer (even a locked one), the computer sends out a DHCP request, and PoisonTap responds …read more

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This $5 Device Can Hack your Password-Protected Computers in Just One Minute

You need to be more careful next time while leaving your computer unattended at your office, as it cost hackers just $5 and only 30 seconds to hack into any computer.

Well-known hardware hacker Samy Kamkar has once again devised a cheap exploit tool, … Continue reading This $5 Device Can Hack your Password-Protected Computers in Just One Minute