AI-Powered Bumper Sticker Provides Context-Sensitive Urban Camouflage

While we absolutely support the right of everyone to express their opinions, it seems to us that it’s rarely wise to turn your vehicle into a mobile billboard for your …read more Continue reading AI-Powered Bumper Sticker Provides Context-Sensitive Urban Camouflage

Keebin’ with Kristina: the One with the Really Snazzy Folding Keyboard

Illustrated Kristina with an IBM Model M keyboard floating between her hands.

Sometimes you just have to throw your hat in the ring, and throw it hard. Here is [mkdxdx]’s rockin’ EVH 5150-esque take on the keyboard business. The Mriya foldable keyboard …read more Continue reading Keebin’ with Kristina: the One with the Really Snazzy Folding Keyboard

Flight Simulator Focuses on the Other Side of the Cockpit Door

When one thinks of getting into a flight simulator, one assumes that it’ll be from the pilot’s point of view. But this alternative flight simulator takes a different tack, by …read more Continue reading Flight Simulator Focuses on the Other Side of the Cockpit Door