Threatpost News Wrap, March 10, 2017

Mike Mimoso and Chris Brook discuss the news of the week including a rash of new IP camera backdoors, James Comey’s talk at Boston College, hacking back vs. active defense, and the DOJ dropping one of its Playpen cases. Continue reading Threatpost News Wrap, March 10, 2017

FBI Hacked into 8,000 Computers in 120 Countries Using A Single Warrant

The FBI hacked into more than 8,000 computers in 120 different countries with just a single warrant during an investigation into a dark web child pornography website, according to a newly published court filings.

This FBI’s mass hacking campaign is re… Continue reading FBI Hacked into 8,000 Computers in 120 Countries Using A Single Warrant

The FBI Hacked Over 8,000 Computers In 120 Countries Based on One Warrant

With upcoming changes to Rule 41, experts think this is only the beginning of worldwide hacking by law enforcement agencies. Continue reading The FBI Hacked Over 8,000 Computers In 120 Countries Based on One Warrant

The FBI Hacked Over 8,000 Computers In 120 Countries Based on One Warrant

With upcoming changes to Rule 41, experts think this is only the beginning of worldwide hacking by law enforcement agencies. Continue reading The FBI Hacked Over 8,000 Computers In 120 Countries Based on One Warrant