Parental controls 2.0: AI guides kids onto the internet in a whole new way

AI offers a chance to do a lot of things much better – parental internet control is a great example. The Angel AI app introduces kids to the web in a way that’s tailored to their age and interests, with no ads, inappropriate content or privacy risks.Co… Continue reading Parental controls 2.0: AI guides kids onto the internet in a whole new way

New fathers more likely to need antidepressants if they’ve had them before

A new study has found that men with a history of being prescribed antidepressants are significantly more likely to require antidepressants in the first year after having a child.Continue ReadingCategory: Health & Wellbeing, LifestyleTags: Depressio… Continue reading New fathers more likely to need antidepressants if they’ve had them before

What is a parental control app and what are your options

By Waqas
There are many different parental control apps available, so it is important to research which one will best fit the needs of your family.
This is a post from Read the original post: What is a parental control app and what are you… Continue reading What is a parental control app and what are your options

Landmark study finds first biomarker to detect babies at risk of SIDS

Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is one of leading causes of infant death and until now researchers have not been able to identify any specific physiological factor that may make a baby more vulnerable. A team of researchers in Australia have now id… Continue reading Landmark study finds first biomarker to detect babies at risk of SIDS

Baby smell triggers aggression in women but calms men down

An intriguing new study has found a chemical excreted by babies can influence aggression in humans. The findings reveal curious sex-specific responses to the chemical, triggering aggression in women but blocking aggression in men.Continue ReadingCatego… Continue reading Baby smell triggers aggression in women but calms men down

Biomarkers in fathers’ sperm linked to autism risk in children

A novel proof-of-concept study is suggesting epigenetic biomarkers in a father’s sperm can potentially predict how susceptible their offspring will be to developing autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The research is still in preliminary stages so requires… Continue reading Biomarkers in fathers’ sperm linked to autism risk in children

Norton Family Premier Review: Are Your Kids Safe Online?

Review of Norton Family Premier, parental control and Internet filtering software for Windows, Android, and iOS. Includes screenshots.
The post Norton Family Premier Review: Are Your Kids Safe Online? appeared first on Defending Digital.
The post Norto… Continue reading Norton Family Premier Review: Are Your Kids Safe Online?

Internet Security Interview: Carey Parker of “Firewalls Don’t Stop Dragons”

An interview about Internet security with Carey Parker, author of “Firewalls Don’t Stop Dragons: A Step-By-Step Guide to Computer Security for Non-Techies.”
The post Internet Security Interview: Carey Parker of “Firewalls Don’t Stop D… Continue reading Internet Security Interview: Carey Parker of “Firewalls Don’t Stop Dragons”

“Firewalls Don’t Stop Dragons: A Step-By-Step Guide to Computer Security for Non-Techies” (Book Review)

Get advice on security and privacy topics related to computers, phones, networks, Internet usage, communication, and parental controls from the book “Firewalls Don’t Stop Dragons.”
The post “Firewalls Don’t Stop Dragons: A Step-By-Step Guid… Continue reading “Firewalls Don’t Stop Dragons: A Step-By-Step Guide to Computer Security for Non-Techies” (Book Review)

“The Basics of Cyber Safety: Computer and Mobile Device Safety Made Easy” (Book Review)

Get Internet, computer, and mobile device safety tips from the book “The Basics of Cyber Safety.”
The post “The Basics of Cyber Safety: Computer and Mobile Device Safety Made Easy” (Book Review) appeared first on Defending Digital.
The post… Continue reading “The Basics of Cyber Safety: Computer and Mobile Device Safety Made Easy” (Book Review)