VirusTotal Multisandbox += Microsoft Sysinternals

We welcome the new multisandbox integration with Microsoft sysinternals. It was also recently announced on the sysinternals blog as part of their 25th anniversary. This industry collaboration will greatly benefit the entire cybersecurity community… Continue reading VirusTotal Multisandbox += Microsoft Sysinternals

VirusTotal Multisandbox += Sangfor ZSand

VirusTotal multisandbox project welcomes Sangfor ZSand.  The ZSand currently focuses on PE files,with extensions to other popular file types like javascript and Microsoft office to be released soon.In their own words:ZSand, developed by Sangfor Te… Continue reading VirusTotal Multisandbox += Sangfor ZSand

VirusTotal MultiSandbox += QiAnXin RedDrip

VirusTotal would like to welcome QiAnXin RedDrip to the multi-sandbox project! QiAnXin is now sending execution behavior reports to the VirusTotal ecosystem for a wide variety of file types. In their own words:QiAnXin RedDrip Sandbox, developed by QI-… Continue reading VirusTotal MultiSandbox += QiAnXin RedDrip

VirusTotal MultiSandbox += BitDam ATP

VirusTotal would like to welcome BitDam to the multi-sandbox project! In their own words:BitDam Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) is a cloud-based engine that proactively detects threats, pre-delivery, preventing hardware and logical exploits, ransomwa… Continue reading VirusTotal MultiSandbox += BitDam ATP

Pipelining VT Intelligence searches and sandbox report lookups via APIv3 to automatically generate indicators of compromise

TL;DR: VirusTotal APIv3 includes an endpoint to retrieve all the dynamic analysis reports for a given file. This article showcases programmatic retrieval of sandbox behaviour reports in order to produce indicators of compromise that you can use to pow… Continue reading Pipelining VT Intelligence searches and sandbox report lookups via APIv3 to automatically generate indicators of compromise

Revamping in-house dynamic analysis with VirusTotal Jujubox Sandbox

VirusTotal Jujubox Sandbox in action:This is a small datastudio set up to illustrate the kind of analytics that can be built with a massive dynamic analysis setup, generating IoCs. Note that there are several pages.One of the main themes of VirusTotal’… Continue reading Revamping in-house dynamic analysis with VirusTotal Jujubox Sandbox