VirusTotal Multisandbox += Microsoft Sysinternals

We welcome the new multisandbox integration with Microsoft sysinternals. It was also recently announced on the sysinternals blog as part of their 25th anniversary. This industry collaboration will greatly benefit the entire cybersecurity community… Continue reading VirusTotal Multisandbox += Microsoft Sysinternals

Make XKCD-Style Plots From Python

[Randall Munroe] certainly understands the power of graphical representation of data. The humorous plots in his xkcd webcomic are one of the favorite parts for many readers. Their distinctive, Tufteian style delivers the information – in this case, a punch line – without excessive decoration. To be honest, we can’t …read more

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Multisandbox project welcomes ReaQta-Hive

We are pleased to announce the addition of ReaQta-Hive to the multisandbox project, after the integrations of Tencent Habo, VirusTotal Droidy, Cyber adAPT ApkRecon, and Dr. Web vxCube. The unique new feature that this integration brings is XSL documen… Continue reading Multisandbox project welcomes ReaQta-Hive

Spanning The Tree : Dr Radia Perlman & Untangling Networks

As computer networks get bigger, it becomes increasingly hard to keep track of the flow of data over this network. How do you route data, making sure that the data is spread to all parts of the network? You use an algorithm called the spanning tree protocol — just one of the contributions to computer science of a remarkable engineer, Dr. Radia Perlman. But before she created this fundamental Internet protocol, she also worked on LOGO, the first programming language for children, creating a dialect for toddlers.

Born in 1952, Perlman was a prodigy who excelled in math and science, …read more

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Open Sourcing Our Specialized TinkerGraph with 70% Memory Reduction and Strict Schema Validation

Most tech companies these days rely heavily on libre/open-source software, often contributed by volunteers in their spare time. ShiftLeft believes it is important to give back by contributing code and artifacts to the open-source community.
Today we ar… Continue reading Open Sourcing Our Specialized TinkerGraph with 70% Memory Reduction and Strict Schema Validation

Digitize Your Graphs With WebPlotDigitizer

Have you ever had to write a bit of code to interpret a non-linear analog reading as picked up by an ADC? When all you have to work with for your transfer function is a graph in a semiconductor datasheet that was probably written thirty years ago and prints out the size of a postage stamp, that’s a rather annoying task. Wouldn’t it be nice if you had access to the numbers behind the graph!

You can’t knock on the office door of the engineer who created it back in the ’80s, he’s probably  in retirement and playing golf or …read more

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