Unable to install MITMf in Kali Linux — something to do with python and pip version 3 compatibilty [closed]

So i decided to install the MITMf (Man-In-The-Middle Framework) https://github.com/byt3bl33d3r/MITMf for Kali, but even after following the exact steps in the installation guide, i keep coming back to a error that I think has to do with P… Continue reading Unable to install MITMf in Kali Linux — something to do with python and pip version 3 compatibilty [closed]

Does SSLSTRIP in MITMF only works when the victim visits for the first time?

I just started learning MITM attacks and I use MITMF to perfom these attacks. I have one question regarding to sslstrip. I notice that sslstrip only works when we first clear the cache and history in our victim’s browser. Is this always t… Continue reading Does SSLSTRIP in MITMF only works when the victim visits for the first time?

How to implement an active Man-In-The-Middle attack that changes the request URL address

For training purposes, I need some pointers on the tools and tips to implement an active Man-In-The-Middle attack.

The attack scenario that I want to do is a toy example (which has countermeasures by server authentication) … Continue reading How to implement an active Man-In-The-Middle attack that changes the request URL address