DNS Spoofing attack works in host machine but does not work in guest VM machine. I’m curious about why

I am practicing in these attacks and countermeasures.
I did attack against a computer and it works. I did it against a bridged-network guest VM machine and it does not work. I’m curious about why.
As you can see I receive multiple response… Continue reading DNS Spoofing attack works in host machine but does not work in guest VM machine. I’m curious about why

dns spoof does not redirect example website to target website. MiTM bettercap; [closed]

I am trying to spoof example.com by Bettercap
I ran
sudo bettercap -iface wlan0
net.probe on
set dns.spoof.domains example.com
set dns.spoof.address
dns.spoof on
set arp.spoof.targets
arp.spoof on
net.s… Continue reading dns spoof does not redirect example website to target website. MiTM bettercap; [closed]

DNS hijacking/poisoning effect on URL/URI and password manager autotype/autofill

A benefit to password managers, at least some of them, is that they can look at the URL and only use autotype/autofill when on the correct site, which can help prevent pharming since if instead of https://www.example.com/ you go to examp1e… Continue reading DNS hijacking/poisoning effect on URL/URI and password manager autotype/autofill

How can I manipulate certain server side responses? Specifically Ajax Responses? XXE Attack? Hybrid DNS Resolution?

I would like to be able to switch back and forth between the real DNS and maybe setting a local DNS entry so I can manipulate AJAX responses for code security checks.
For instance if the server responds with Ajax on page 1 that page 2 is n… Continue reading How can I manipulate certain server side responses? Specifically Ajax Responses? XXE Attack? Hybrid DNS Resolution?

Can you guys help me on my decentralized and non-pyramidal DNS PKI secured with Wireguard and gnupg open source project?

I can regularly observe TLS 1.3 secured website duplications. The attacker indicates its presence by slight modifications on the web page. In particular I obseved this on the two following web pages:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Kis… Continue reading Can you guys help me on my decentralized and non-pyramidal DNS PKI secured with Wireguard and gnupg open source project?