How does HTTP Debugger work? [closed]
How does HTTP Debugger similar to Burp and Fiddler work without a proxy? Is there any other program to intercept http(s) without using a proxy? I would like to examine it.
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How does HTTP Debugger similar to Burp and Fiddler work without a proxy? Is there any other program to intercept http(s) without using a proxy? I would like to examine it.
Explain how you will conduct the man-in-the-middle attack against RSA protocol and why it
can work
I am practicing in these attacks and countermeasures.
I did attack against a computer and it works. I did it against a bridged-network guest VM machine and it does not work. I’m curious about why.
As you can see I receive multiple response… Continue reading DNS Spoofing attack works in host machine but does not work in guest VM machine. I’m curious about why
We all know that the /authorize endpoint is a standard endpoint of OAuth 2. Below is how it’s commonly called:
GET /oauth2/authorize?client_id={client_id}&redirect_uri={redirect_uri}&response_type=code&tenantId={tenantId}&u… Continue reading Man in the Middle Attack for OAuth 2’s Authorize endpoint
What protections does TLS use in the above scenario?
In the picture, the client asks the attacker for the address of, but the attacker gives them a different ip address which redirects to a domain that looks like
… Continue reading Understanding TLS Protections Against DNS Spoofing and Fake Websites
This is a "should I be worried" question. I access a website on my laptop via my home network/router. My Edge browser gives me a "Your connection isn’t private" warning page and a NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID error… Continue reading Website returns different certificate on my home network to mobile hotspot
I want to see only monitored device’s visited websites not the methods and the redirects how can I filter or can I?
I am learning NTLM and came across an attack against it called NTLM Relay, where an attacker intercepts and relays NTLM authentication traffic between a client and a server.
One of the questions was to think of a detection logic that would… Continue reading NTLM Relay detection logic
I am developing a TCP-Proxy in C#/.NET using dotNetty (Port of Netty). The proxy is translating messages between two different systems. It will be hosted on a server in the company network, so it is not exposed to the internet.
I am wonder… Continue reading Securing an internal tcp proxy
Many users of YouTube feel that the quality of the service has been decreasing in recent years — the platform offers up bizarre recommendations, fails to provide relevant search results, …read more Continue reading Going to Extremes to Block YouTube Ads