Cloud Atlas seen using a new tool in its attacks

We analyze the latest activity by the Cloud Atlas gang. The attacks employ the PowerShower, VBShower and VBCloud modules to download victims’ data with various PowerShell scripts. Continue reading Cloud Atlas seen using a new tool in its attacks

Congratulations, You’ve Won a Meterpreter Shell

Posted by Josh Stroschein, Ratnesh Pandey and Alex Holland. For an attack to succeed undetected, attackers need to limit the creation of file and network artifacts by their malware. In this post, we analyse an attack that illustrates two popular tactic… Continue reading Congratulations, You’ve Won a Meterpreter Shell

SureVoip malspam pretending to come from voicemailandfax@ random domains delivers Locky

The next in the never ending series of Locky downloaders is an email with the subject of  Voicemail from [random name] [random number] <[random number]> [random time] pretending to come from voicemailandfax@  random email addresses  with a semi-random named zip attachment  containing a HTA … Continue reading →


Continue reading SureVoip malspam pretending to come from voicemailandfax@ random domains delivers Locky

Document No 25845584 pretending to come from random names at accounts@ your own email domain delivers Locky

The next in the never ending series of Locky downloaders is an email with the subject of  Document No 25845584 ( random numbers) pretending to come from  random names at accounts@your own email domain or company   with a random … Continue reading →


Continue reading Document No 25845584 pretending to come from random names at accounts@ your own email domain delivers Locky

Accounts Documentation – Invoices malspam pretending to come from CreditControl @ your own email domain delivers Locky

The next in this mornings  never ending series of Locky downloaders is an email with the subject of  Accounts Documentation – Invoices  pretending to come from  CreditControl @ your own email domain with a random named zip attachment  containing a .HTA file … Continue reading →


Continue reading Accounts Documentation – Invoices malspam pretending to come from CreditControl @ your own email domain delivers Locky

Please find attached documents as requested malspam pretending to come from your own email address delivers Locky

The next in the never ending series of Locky downloaders is an email with the subject of  Documents Requested or FW:Documents Requested pretending to come from a random name at your own email domain or company with a  zip file … Continue reading →


Continue reading Please find attached documents as requested malspam pretending to come from your own email address delivers Locky