Is it possible to see someone using vpn who is connected to my AP and turned on hotspot for his mobile in which he uses vpn

I want to monitor traffic in my Access point of the users who turned on hotspots in their PC after connecting to the wi-fi.
I want to monitor users who use vpn to access blocked sites in my organization by connecting their mobile phones to… Continue reading Is it possible to see someone using vpn who is connected to my AP and turned on hotspot for his mobile in which he uses vpn

Why does my phone show 2 connected devices when I use the hotspot on my android phone?

One being my own laptop, and other is I know that this is the default gateway for most wireless routers. But how is it possible for my phone to connect to the network that it’s creating and sharing by itself?
The phone is Xia… Continue reading Why does my phone show 2 connected devices when I use the hotspot on my android phone?

Nmap is returning different results when run on different source networks on the target same network

I am running a CODA4680 in bridge mode connected to my pfsense 1100 (and yes it is getting a true public ip). I set it up the standard way, didn’t touch the rules.
I performed an NMAP scan from my laptop tethered to my LTE hotspot from my … Continue reading Nmap is returning different results when run on different source networks on the target same network