Paleo diet may increase risk of heart disease

Also known as the “caveman diet,” the increasingly-popular paleo diet is claimed to be good for weight loss, gut health, blood pressure control, and other factors. According to new research, however, it may also boost the risk of heart diseas… Continue reading Paleo diet may increase risk of heart disease

It's official – a warm bath about 90 minutes before bed should help you sleep

The ideal temperature range is said to be 104 to 109 ºF (40 to 43 ºC)

It’s already commonly thought that a warm bath before going to bed helps improve your sleep. A new meta-study has apparently confirmed this to be the case, however, and has even come up with exact figures regarding the best times and temperatures.

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Category: Health & Wellbeing


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Massive meta-study finds most vitamin supplements have no effect on lifespan or heart health

A massive umbrella study, encompassing 277 clinical trials, into the effects of nutritional supplements and dietary interventions has concluded almost all vitamin and mineral supplements play no role in protecting from cardiovascular disease,… Continue reading Massive meta-study finds most vitamin supplements have no effect on lifespan or heart health

New study says daily coffee has no impact on cancer risk

Adding fuel, or removing it – depending on your position – to the bonfire of endless coffee debates comes the latest large study. This time, researchers looked at data from over 300,000 people for possible links between coffee and cancer, and… Continue reading New study says daily coffee has no impact on cancer risk

Ancient anti-starvation mechanism may be driving modern obesity epidemic

A few years ago scientists examined the metabolic activity of several contestants taking part in The Biggest Loser, a weight loss competition TV show. The research revealed a kind of metabolic adaptation occurred as the subjects rapidly lost … Continue reading Ancient anti-starvation mechanism may be driving modern obesity epidemic

Teen depression linked to social media screen time, but video games are fine

A compelling new study has followed thousands of Canadian teenagers for several years tracking associations between screen time use and depression. The research separated different types of screen time, and found while frequent television and… Continue reading Teen depression linked to social media screen time, but video games are fine

Gut-microbiome-boosting diet designed to better help malnourished children

Fascinating new research suggests malnutrition in children can be better treated by therapeutic foods designed to boost and repair the gut microbiome, instead of more traditional energy- and nutrition-maximized supplements. A clinical trial t… Continue reading Gut-microbiome-boosting diet designed to better help malnourished children

Antibacterial filling material is aimed at keeping cavities from recurring

Getting a filling isn’t always the end of a tooth’s cavity problems. Sometimes, bacteria is able to get down between the filling and the surface of the tooth, causing another cavity to occur. A new antibacterial dental restorative material, h… Continue reading Antibacterial filling material is aimed at keeping cavities from recurring

Does a new study suggest fruit juice increases cancer risk? Not exactly…

A new large-scale study has yet again rekindled debate around the association between cancer risk and consumption of sugary drinks. The research suggests unsweetened fruit juices also contain enough sugars to confer a similar increase in canc… Continue reading Does a new study suggest fruit juice increases cancer risk? Not exactly…